Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4708: Duanmu Gao

In one of the elders' rooms in Duanmu's house, at this moment, a voice remembered--

"Hello elders, the kid specially came to visit."

The old man in the room moved his heart. He was familiar with this voice, and it was the young man brought by Duanmuqi.

"Why did he come here at night?"

But when he was surprised, there was a familiar breath beside this person.


The old man opened the door, and it was Xiao Yu and Duan Mu Shilan.

I don't know why, if I see Duan Mu Shilan, the old man is still calm, but if this person is here, I don't know what, he seems to have a bad feeling in his heart.

"Shilan? Why are you here?" The old man asked with a smile.

Xiao Yu glanced at the old man and smiled: "No, I have a problem and want to ask the elders, so Shi Lan brought me here."

With a kind of suspicion, the old man let Xiao Yu and Duan Mu Shilan in.

But after coming in, the old man found Duan Mu Shilan's head was low and she didn't speak.

"Shilan, what's the matter?"

Duanmu Shilan gritted her teeth, and finally said, "Elder Gao, actually..."

But when the words were halfway through, Duan Mu Shilan suddenly stopped talking.

Xiao Yu glanced, and suddenly, his eyes flashed with an astonishing light, and suddenly there was an astonishing pressure in the entire room.

This kind of oppression is still rolling towards Duanmu Gao, the latter's face changed.

"you guys……"

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "Elder Gao, isn't it, why are you betraying your family?"

Duanmugao's face changed drastically. He was surprised and said: "You, what are you talking about, I don't know."

"I don't know? You took Shi Lan to pick the elixir three years ago, right? What happened after the fight?" Xiao Yu stared at Duan Mu Gao.

Duan Mugao was shocked, his face moved, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "At that time I was waiting for Shilan!"

"is it?"

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed, and his figure was slightly to one side. Then, an invisible energy wave oscillated and immediately enveloped Duanmu Gao.

The power of the soul!

This was Xiao Yu's purest soul power, and Duan Mu Gao's expression suddenly changed.

Just now because the person who followed Xiao Yu was Duan Mu Shilan, he didn't have any defensive heart, so Xiao Yu's soul power could approach him.

Otherwise, ordinary cultivators have the six senses open, how could ordinary people approach easily, let alone the power of the soul.

Of course, Xiao Yu did not expect that this elder named Duan Mu Gao would be so unsuspecting towards Duan Mu Shilan.

But this also gave Xiao Yu a breakthrough in the power of the soul.

You know, Xiao Yu can condense the soul realm cultivation base of the sixth-rank formation. According to his guess, not to mention the three spirit realm, even the co-dao realm can be trapped.

This elder's cultivation base is only at the level of the Dao-level. If this cultivation base is broken with Xiao Yu, the price paid is of course very high.

But Duanmugao obviously also knew that with Duanmu Shilan, this person would definitely not treat him well.

"Shi Lan, what are you..." Duan Mu Gao's expression was calm.

After a while, Duanmu Shilan finally sighed: "Elder Gao, tell me why I betrayed the family and why I was harmed. Do you know that you are the one I respect most since I was young."

Duanmugao laughed at himself and said: "It turns out that you know everything."

Then, Duanmu bowed his head high on the ground, tears streaming down, and said painfully: "I am sorry for you, but I am forced to help..."

"It was Mu Teng's instructions, right? He led the group of people three years ago?" Xiao Yu asked sharply.

Duan Mu Shilan's face changed drastically, and she never expected that the person Xiao Yu thought of was Mu Teng! This coffin continent's first alchemist!

"Yes... it's Mu Teng! Because I have a handle in his hand!! He threatened me that if I didn't do this, he would kill you!!!"

Duanmu Shilan was dull.


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