Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4709: Talent

"" Duan Mu Shilan felt very uncomfortable.

It turned out that Duan Mugao put this taboo on himself in order to protect himself!

But I even blamed him!

Of course, for Xiao Yu, he did not choose to believe immediately, but asked: "But you should know that for a person who has no talent, what you do is far more important than killing Shilan. Uncomfortable."

Duan Mugao trembled and lowered his head hoarsely: "I know, I know, but..."

"But what? Elder Gao, tell me!" Duan Mu Shilan asked immediately, tears in her eyes.

A person who is so close to oneself, even if one of his relatives betrays oneself, the degree of discomfort is incomprehensible to outsiders.

Duan Mugao raised his head, tears covering his entire face, he said hoarsely: "Because the family will definitely perish if this continues! The family's decision is wrong!!!"

"I did this to protect you! Because I just want you to endure it for three years. After three years, when the two veins of Yin and Yang become one, Mu Teng will help you lift the seal. At that time, you can also become the top talent ..."

"Do not!!"

Duanmu Shilan's eyes were red, and she cried out sadly: "It's not like that. We are loyal to our ancestors. Even if the family is going downhill now, we still have to advance and retreat together!! I don't want the family to perish, I don't want to be with those people... I do not want……"

Duanmu Shilan was on the verge of collapse, crying bitterly, and immediately fell into Xiao Yu's arms and burst into tears.

Feeling Duanmu Shilan's sobbing and grief, Xiao Yu felt Duanmu Shilan's collapse under a huge blow.

He did not move, letting Duan Mu Shilan cry on her chest.

Xiao Yu wanted to comfort Duanmu Shilan, but didn't know what to say.

He sighed that even the people in his own family thought so. In this way, the elders of the Duanmu family and others had no hope for the Duanmu family.

After a while, Duanmu Shilan finally stopped crying. She took a deep breath, wiped her tears, looked at Duanmu Gao, and said in a low mood: "So, did they plan three years ago? Mu Teng won't deal with me. The reason for this is actually because of my talent."

Xiao Yu finally understood why he had put a taboo curse, but he did not kill Duan Mu Shilan.

At the same time, when I touched that taboo, that consciousness, that is, Mu Teng, could be discovered immediately.

It turns out that Mu Teng has always coveted Duan Mu Shilan!

In this way, the truth becomes clear.

But this truth is really unacceptable.

"Shilan, if you are here in the family, you will only bury your alchemy talent. You have to know that there is only one person in the Coffin Continent who can make you better practice! That is Mu Teng!"

"Don't say it!" Duan Mu Shilan shook her head.

"I want to say more!"

Duan Mu Gao shouted: "You are here, no matter how talented you are, no good alchemy teacher knows that you can only reach the sky spirit alchemist at most, but you can get out of the coffin continent with the help of Mu Teng!! The outside world, This is your world!!"

Duan Mu Shilan said heartbreakingly: "But in this way, do we have to violate our ancestors? Can you be so selfish? I can't do it!!!"

All of a sudden, the venue became quiet.


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