Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4712: The Arrival of Wood Cane (Part 2)

As the number one alchemist, Mu Teng's reputation in the Coffin Continent is really too great.

According to reports, Mu Teng has grown late in ten years, and has been promoted from a human spirit realm alchemist to a heavenly spirit realm alchemist. It can be said that the cultivation level is simply rapid.

Regardless of the ten-year period that seems to be very short, in fact, many people may only stay in the human spiritual realm or earth spiritual realm throughout their lives.

He is a very talented alchemist. In ten years, it is very difficult to break through a big realm.

Not to mention, Mu Teng still breaks through two big realms!

Then he became the top alchemist in the Coffin Continent in three years.

Fame, status, and honor can all be said to have surged over.

Even, to some extent, Mu Teng's status is even higher than that of the Mu Family's Patriarch. The Coffin Continent was originally famous for its elixir. At the beginning, the Coffin Continent was still a natural hundred medicine library, so the status of the alchemist here is so high.

Of course, because of the unique environment, the Coffin Continent, a higher plane, will have many more soul cultivators born than the ordinary plane continent.

In Shenmu Valley, all the people around on both sides stopped and watched lively, just to get a glimpse of the demeanor of the first alchemist in this coffin continent.

Headed by Mu Teng, Mu Ju next to him, and Mu Feng and other elite guards of the younger generation.

A group of people walked on the street with their heads high, and they seemed to enjoy the amazing gaze that these people gave them.

The clouds in Mu Teng's eyes are light and windy. After all, he has been to many planes and met great people. He didn't pay attention to a small sinking wood valley.

The Mu Ju beside him had cold eyes, as if he didn't put everyone around him in secret.

"This is the first alchemist, right?"

"Yes, but I heard that he hasn't come to our Shenmu Valley for many years."

"But I seem to have heard that someone met him three years ago! It's in our Shenmu Valley."

"No? You must be wrong."

However, in the eyes of these people, there is more respect and fear.

After all, Shenmu Valley is the land of the Duanmu family's clan, but the family is named Mu after all, and they are incompatible with them. Why did you come here today?

Because of Mu Teng's arrival, it was even more sensational than the Mu Family's Patriarch to come!

"What do you think they are here for? Are they here for the annual meeting?" Someone whispered strangely.

The annual meeting of Duanmu Family and Mu Family can be said to be the most grand event in the Coffin Continent.

But Duanmu's family has always gone to Mu's family to participate. It was only this year that they were here in Shenmu Valley suddenly. Therefore, many people were very surprised. Why did they suddenly change to Shenmu Valley?

"Probably not for the annual meeting? There are still two months left!"

"But speaking of it, the Mu family has always been proud. It was our Duanmu family who had compromised before. They suddenly set the annual meeting here, which is a bit abnormal!"

"Hey, maybe they want to reconcile, this is a good thing!"

But the vast majority of people secretly wondered, this doesn't seem like a good thing!

The arrival of Mu Teng, of course, alarmed all the elders such as Duan Mu Song.

Of course, the head of the Duanmu family is still in retreat and has not yet come out.

At this time in the lobby, the atmosphere on both sides felt a bit of solidification, especially Duanmu Xianglin and others, with a heavy look in their eyes.

After all, no matter how they say it, they know that the Mu Family's annual meeting this year is not good!

Finally, Mu Ju said coldly: "It seems that you do not welcome us."


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