Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4713: The test proposed by the Mu family

Many disciples outside the door held their heads up and watched. When Muju spoke, the atmosphere in the lobby became more solidified.

The younger generation may not know what happened during this period, but they can still feel the low atmosphere of the elders.

Mu Ju's eyes swept across the crowd coldly, indifferent.

In fact, before Mu Ju and the others came, Mu Bai and others had already guessed that Mu Zhong was killed at that time, and it is very likely that they had revealed the purpose of their union this time.

Therefore, their attitudes and reactions are actually quite normal.

But Mu Ju didn't care at all, after all, they came today because of this.

Duanmu Donglu said solemnly: "We don't welcome those who accompany the family or even want to kill them all."

Duanmu Donglu's words immediately made the atmosphere more gloomy.

"Haha," Mu Ju smiled softly, "What is betrayal? It's just a choice."

"It's like a fish chooses to be in a pond, then it is not qualified to envy a lion running on land. Since it has to choose to be a lion, then it cannot be compassionate, otherwise it is only itself who starves to death."

Mu Ju's words caused the Duanmu family to explode immediately.


Duanmuqi said angrily: "Is it possible to ignore the life and death of his companions in this way? Or even fall into trouble and unite with other beasts to besiege companions?"


Mu Ju laughed three times and said: "The lion was not actually a lion back then, it was also a fish in a pond, but it was fed up with this kind of environment. Didn't this fish care about its companions? Obviously not. It even wanted to lead the fish in the entire pond to go out together. It was their companions who were sitting on the well and watching the sky. They did not want to make progress and chose to continue to be fish!

"Don't tell me that land is dangerous. In this world, natural selection is a matter of competition. These exodus fishes also sacrificed a lot at the beginning, but in the end they grew into the most powerful beasts. This is the price!"

"Is it right to eat and wait for death like those fish?"

Speaking of the back, Muju said awe-inspiringly: "Since it was their choice, even if it becomes a dead fish in the end, I can only blame myself!"

Duanmu's family immediately glared at him, but couldn't say a word.

The faces of the children outside the door were darkened.

The grievances between the two families were actually settled since the separation of the ancestors.

In fact, after so many years, they have gradually become tired of living in the pond like this in their hearts.

Therefore, when Mu Ju said that, not to mention the younger generation, they are the elders who are a little bit weaker in mind, and are silent.

Duan Musong sighed. There were obviously more wrinkles on his face. He shook his head and said: "It's all to this point. It's useless to say anything. I don't know what you are here for."

Mu Ju looked at Duan Musong and said, "In this case, I am not afraid to say that we want to have a test with you."


Duan Musong and others are puzzled. Did they come here in such a big battle for the so-called competition?

I'm afraid it won't be that simple, right?

Duan Musong stared at Mu Ju and said, "What a test."

At this time, Mu Teng took a step, carrying his hands on his back, and said leisurely: "This kind of competition is nothing more than two kinds, spiritual power and soul. If you lose, move out of Shenmu Valley."


As soon as this remark came out, Duanmu's house was shaking.


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