Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4718: Duanmu Xianglin betrayed

Only one person came out from the Duanmu family, who turned out to be Duanmu Xianglin!

"Xianglin, what are you talking about?" Duan Mu Song and others were taken aback.

"Yeah, don't talk nonsense. When the family was separated, they only had two, and we had three." Duanmu Donglu also said.

Xiao Yu outside the door calmly said, "I didn't expect them to find someone with this plan."

Luo Feng asked in surprise: "Brother Yu, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yu didn't speak, but in the venue, when Duanmu Xianglin stood up, Mu Ju and Mu Teng smiled.

Mu Ju said indifferently: "Yes, our ancestors did take away only two ancient orders of wood."

After all, Muju took out another ancient order of wood.

The ancient order of two woods.

"But..." Mu Ju immediately looked at Duanmu Xianglin.

At this moment, Duanmu Xianglin took out an ancient order of wood.

"Xianglin, what are you doing?" Duan Mu Song was taken aback.

"Elder Xianglin, you..." Duanmu Donglu was startled.

No one understands what happened, but seeing this scene, Xiao Yu had already fully understood.

"Sure enough!"

"It turns out that Senior Duan Mu Gao asked us to pay more attention to Elder Xianglin because he has already sensed that Elder Xianglin is already on the side of Mu Family."

Luo Feng's eyes widened: "In other words, the Mu Family actually knew everything in the morning! They actually played such a big piece!!"

First, the soul taboo secret method that Mu Teng used in Duanmu Shilan's mind three years ago, and then waited for the time to come, they launched this so-called test, and also used the Yang vein as a temptation condition!

The most important thing is that they actually think that the Duanmu family will not compromise, so they have long thought of the next thing-the ancient order of wood!

Duanmu Xianglin is the key, because he was bought!

Duanmu Gao is just a small chess, and the big chess is Duanmu Xianglin!

"Could it be..." Finally, Duan Mu Song and their pupils shrank, and they trembled all over.

Yes, they finally thought of something.

"Elder, I'm sorry." Duanmu Xianglin arrived and walked to the side of Mu Ju.

This move shocked everyone in the audience.

"What does Elder Xianglin do? He is..."

"Is he taking refuge in the Mu family?"

"How is it possible? He is our second elder! How could he betray us!?"

Duanmu Donglu was furious and roared: "Elder Xianglin, do you know what you are doing!!! You are betraying the family!!!"

"Elder Xianglin, I misunderstood you. It turns out that you have always been their spy!!"

"How could... how could..."

The psychological defense of Duan Musong and others seems to have become fragile, and the whole person is blind.

Duanmu Xianglin lurked for so long! !

Duanmu Xianglin said solemnly, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I don't want to see the family decline like this."

"What you said is nonsense!!"

The irritable Duanmu Donglu roared: "Don't talk about benevolence and morality! These are not the reasons for you to betray your family!"

Duanmu Xianglin suddenly raised his head, staring at Duanmu Donglu, and said: "I am doing this for countless family children!!"

"Actually, I have already suggested that the two families should be merged. This is the best way for everyone, but no one cares about me! Do you know? Your behavior is selfish. Once that happens, you know how many families there are Did the children die for the so-called legacy?"

"You don't know!!"

In an instant, the entire site became frozen.


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