Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4719: I won't go with you

Duan Musong and others stopped talking at all.

Yes, the Mu Family obviously came for their Yin Veins. For Yin Veins, they even dispatched the Ancient Order of Wood, which shows that their determination is great.

Or to put it this way, if they really get to that point, they can indeed break the net for Mujiayu for some insistence, but from a certain angle, is this a selfish act?

"Nonsense! You are nonsense......" Duanmu Donglu couldn't accept it at all, and roared.

Duanmu Xianglin said solemnly: "Since the ancestors of the previous generations of families can sacrifice themselves, they are to protect us, so what is the difference between doing it here and going against their wishes."

Duanmu Donglu was dull and took a few steps back.

The other elders and deacons of the Duanmu family were silent again.

To sacrifice oneself in Duanmu Xianglin's mouth is to sacrifice his own life, and then become a pseudo-yang vein!

This is to allow Shenmugu's children to be absorbed at a high level, without being cursed by the lack of Yang veins.

However, if they insisted on repeatedly, in the end the two sides will fight to the death. Isn't this a cannibalism? Isn't this contrary to what the ancestors did?


Duan Musong finally stood up and said, "Xianglin, I don't blame you. This is your choice. We are all for the sake of the children of the family, but the way is different."

Mu Ju said indifferently: "We have three ancient orders of wood, and you cannot refuse."

"You go back, this competition, we next." Duanmu Song said leisurely.

"Great Elder!!" Several elders called at the same time.

Duan Mu Song nodded, his eyes twinkling, and said leisurely: "This is a rule set by our ancestors. Since we abide by Shenmu Valley, why not abide by the Ancient Order of Wood? Isn't this a contradiction?"

"Of course," Duan Musong looked at Mu Ju, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and said: "We will definitely go all out. In any case, Duan Musong will stick to it!"

Mu Teng smiled and said, "I don't care about your so-called persistence. By then, you will lose the test and you will move out of Shenmu Valley. Of course, I will be alone.

"Duanmu Shilan."

All the disciples were surprised.

"He wants Miss Shilan?"

Duan Musong's eyes flickered, he seemed to have realized everything suddenly, and said: "I understand, it turns out that everything is in your plan."

Those elders also understood in an instant, and said angrily: "That's it! You made Shilan's talent three years ago!"

"It's him, it turns out he has been planning for so long!"

"Muteng, you despicable fellow!!"

Mu Teng laughed and did not respond positively. Instead, he said: "Shilan, this girl has a good talent. Only by following me can she give full play to her greatest talent."

"I believe that after several years of experience, she should know better what is best for her."

At this moment, a voice sounded--

"I won't go with you!"

Duanmu Shilan walked in from the door, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Seeing Duanmu Shilan, Mu Teng's eyes flickered.

"Shilan, we finally met." Mu Teng smiled faintly.

Duan Mu Shilan stared at Mu Teng and said coldly: "I won't practice with you, but I will try my best when I try!"


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