Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4738: Off Team

But this Mu Yong is obviously not a vegetarian. He held the Qingmu Sword in both hands, and then plunged directly into the ground. The Qingmu Sword immediately turned into a shield ten meters tall.

Xiao Yu held the green wood sword and slashed on it, leaving only a light mark on it.

Mu Yong's green wooden shield was translucent, and Mu Yong sneered at Xiao Yu.

This green wood shield was transformed from all the power in his body through the green wood sword.

It can be seen that the surrounding wood-attributed spiritual power of heaven and earth began to gather frantically, and the light trace just now was quickly repaired.

"Offensive and defensive conversion? It is indeed the Coffin Continent."

Xiao Yu nodded in surprise.

Coffin Continent's unique heaven and earth elixir, heaven and earth spiritual power, wood attribute and life attribute, and the power of earth attribute have created a kind of control over this attribute power to the point where people are born to do whatever they want.

This is an ability that people on the outer plane cannot snoop.

This is especially true for those who are gifted and born with strong perception.

"But do you think I have nothing to do with you?"

Xiao Yu chuckled, then he put away the Qingmu sword, and immediately he held it with five fingers.


Jin Guang began to burst out suddenly, his entire arm was full of dragon power.

"This... the method of monster body refining!?"

Mu Yong narrowed his eyes.

He felt a very vast, wild, and ancient aura of monsters.

"Zhenlong pile 33rd style, Longtengquan!"

Xiao Yu gave a violent cry in his heart, and then he bombed out with a punch.

The golden light spurred a beam of light in the space, and vaguely, a murmured dragon chant sounded.

In the next moment, Xiao Yu's punch had already hit Mu Yong's green wooden shield.

The golden light ripples began to oscillate, and Mu Yong's heart trembled. At the moment of touching, suddenly, a kind of terrifying force, as if it could crush the earth and crush mountains and rivers, spread over.


The Green Wood Shield jumped to pieces in an instant, and the power connected with the dragon's power spread to Mu Yong's body.


Mu Yong screamed and was knocked into the air on the spot, vomiting blood and died.

"Big Brother Mu Yong!!"

The complexion of the remaining seven changed drastically, and even Luo Feng was taken aback.

Longtengquan, as the 33rd style of the eighty-one styles of Zhenlong, is almost the strongest move in the first stage.

Since Xiao Yu used this trick, he actually wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

The cultivation base in the later stage of Hedao Realm was killed with one punch!

"What a terrifying power...Hurry!! Report to the elders!!" The master of the early stage of Hedao Realm yelled.

Upon seeing this, Luo Feng shouted: "Brother Yu, you can't let them go!"

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and the eyes that turned his head also shone with the light of the golden dragon.

The golden light burst out, and Xiao Yu's Jinshi flashing technique was pushed to the extreme.


Kill one person with one punch.

The golden light was like a messy meteor shower. In just a few minutes, Xiao Yu killed five of the remaining seven, and Luo Feng killed two of them.

The battle was finally over, and the two of them gasped.

After all, you must know that it is not easy to solve the opponent in a short time, and this kind of consumption is very huge.

Before Luo Feng was excited, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly looked to the other side, and he greeted: "The movement here is already attractive, go!"

The two immediately swept away towards the front.


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