Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4739: Painstaking Mu Family

Soon after Xiao Yu and the others left, another team swept over.

"Brother Mu Yong!"

When they saw eight people died around, the faces of several people suddenly changed.

Mu Yong is in the late stage of Hedao realm, unless he is at the peak of Hedao realm or Huayu realm can kill him!

"The Duanmu family are here again?"

"Impossible! Duanmu Donglu has been injured by the second elder. If they dare to come, Duanmu Song will definitely come, but this is impossible."

"Does anyone else want to enter the mountains?"

The headed man looked gloomy and said, "In any case, the Duanmu family dare not commit such a cruel hand!!"

Another man saw a certain trace, towards the mountain.

"Brother, there are traces here, it's in the mountains! Should we inform the second elder?"

The man's eyes looked like a falcon, and he said: "This knotty eye, who entered the mountain range, must be to hunt down the three monsters. Whether they belong to the Duanmu family or not, the second elder will definitely not let them go!

"There are two elders guarding inside, this group of people will definitely not get out!"


On the other side, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng did not dare to stay, and immediately found a tree hole to recover.

Two hours later, with the help of Mu Tanquan's life and spiritual power, Xiao Yu had fully recovered, and he even vaguely touched the threshold of the middle stage of the Hedao Realm.

The two recovered for a while before continuing on their way.

After entering this mountain range, basically no one from the Mu family was encountered.

However, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng searched this mountain range for two hours. Except for some lower level monsters, there was not a single upper level monster beast.

Finally, Xiao Yu stopped and noticed something was wrong.

"Luo Feng, do you feel it." Xiao Yu looked around the dense mountain forest with a doubt in his eyes.

"Well, that's weird. We kept going deeper and only encountered a few lower-level monster beasts, and no upper-level monster beasts at all."

Xiao Yu looked forward, pondered, and said, "According to the instructions given to us by Elder Donglu, fifty miles ahead is the area where the Mu Family is holding on."

This mountain forest Xiao Yu came for the first time after all, so he had to rely on the instructions given by Duanmu Donglu to find and walk.

According to Xiao Yu's thoughts, Duan Mu Shilan not only needs the blood of the upper monster beast for the test, but also practice the blood of the upper monster beast.

In other words, Xiao Yu's target was not only the most dangerous purple-pupil dog, but also Jin Yan Beast and Rock Youque.

These two are required for practice.

Therefore, in the area where Muronghua was guarding, Xiao Yu would not easily step inside.

At least at the beginning, look for other high-level monsters.

But they circled for two hours without encountering them at all.

"It seems that the Mu Family has made more preparations than we thought." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yu temporarily didn't know what Mu had done to drive away all the monsters, or attracted them to other places, otherwise they had been searching for so long, how could there be nothing.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and it seemed that he had to rely on the branches of Tianmu.

He pressed one hand to the ground, and the branches of the sky tree began to move out, and then crazily spread to the ground.

Following Xiao Yu for a long time, Luo Feng also knew that Xiao Yu had some secret techniques that he could not even know, so he did not bother Xiao Yu either.

The branches of Tianmu crazily spread into the ground, and these branches are enough to cover a hundred miles.

However, Xiao Yu rarely urged the branches of Tianmu so crazily, because he also had to consider the range of the branches of Tianmu.

After a while, Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and he sneered: "The Mu Family really took great pains!"

"Brother Yu, what did you feel?"

"They summoned all the high-level monsters, and they have a trainer!"


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