Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4754: Zhenlong pile thirty-fifth style

Xiao Yu's fists gathered all over his body suddenly hit out.

A dragon-shaped phantom began to condense, and a golden five-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared on Xiao Yu's back. The fist style contained a kind of terrifying majesty of a monster beast.

The double-headed purple-pupil dog finally realized the horror of this human being, and the double-headed purple-pupil dog also yelled and bumped towards Xiao Yu.


With a violent vibration, an astonishing fluctuation was caused by a radius of 800 meters.

Countless woods began to be broken by the waist, Luo Feng saw that the situation was not good, and he had already begun to violently retreat towards the distance.

And this time.

on the other side.

After seeing the body of Yanyouqueu, Mu Ronghua and others had already started to search for the past in the distance. Their purpose at this time was to find the traces of the purple pupil dog.

And in the middle of the journey, from a place dozens of miles away, there was a sudden vibration.

"There!" Mu Longhua's eyes drenched, and she changed her direction first.

Everyone also hurriedly followed.

But just a few minutes after he left, there was another greater vibration.


The ground shook slightly.

Mu Luonghua stopped, and Mu Bin and others also caught up after a while.

"Uncle..." Mu Bin held his breath.

This vibration is too loud, don't even think about it, there must be a battle there!

"It's the breath of power at the level of the Yuan soul state." Mu Longhua said solemnly.

At first they thought that the other party would be Huayu Realm, but they didn't expect it to be Yuanpa Realm!

Mu Yun took a deep breath, his eyes flickering, and said, "You can't go wrong, it's a purple pupil dog."

"But this purple-eyed dog... has a stronger aura."

Everyone is holding their breath, are they sleeping again, or something like evolution?

"Go ahead at full speed, I want that person to die without a place to die!" Mu Longhua's eyes were murderous and awe-inspiring.

On the one hand, someone broke into the Ebony Mountains, already angering their Mu family's face, which is tantamount to breaking the ground.

On the other hand, Mu Ronghua was sitting here, and the other party seemed to be playing peekaboo with him, which made him very angry.

The second elder of the Mu family doesn't put him in his eyes!

Since I dare to break in here, let me see where it is sacred! !


Back to the battlefield.

Xiao Yu's Long Teng boxing punches out, and the power and shock produced are terrifying.

After Luo Feng came back to his senses, he saw that the area of ​​800 meters was turned into a barren land.

Looking in front of them again, Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, just because of the punch he had just used, he was confident that he had exhausted all his strength, but he did not kill the double-headed purple-eyed dog.

It's just because the two heads of the double-headed purple-pupil dog are glaring with blood on the two heads.

That hideous look seemed even crazier.

"Why..." Luo Feng was stunned.

On the one hand, he didn't know that Xiao Yu was attached to it with the power of the dragon's bloodline.

But on the other hand, it is already very scary to be able to cause a double-headed purple-pupil dog to be injured like this! Because that is comparable to the existence of the US dollar!

Of course, he was even more surprised that the kind of momentum fluctuation just now, he will undoubtedly die if he enters the Huayu Realm!

This level of battle is really terrifying.

But the problem is that the double-headed purple-pupil dog has not been killed yet!


Luo Feng's expression changed. Such an offensive could not kill this fierce beast, so what could Xiao Yu do?

After all, the movement here will definitely attract people from the Mu family!


The double-headed purple-pupil dog was glaring at him, obviously that kind of murderous intent was more intense.

Those two pairs of purple pupil eyes looked even more terrifying.

"It's a wicked animal, why don't you try my trick."


Xiao Yu clenched his fist, and with a bang, the power of the dragon on Xiao Yu rose to another level.

"Thirty-fifth style of Zhenlong pile, Yunling claw!"


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