Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4755: Finally met

The so-called wind from the tiger and the cloud from the dragon, a cloud and fog condensed from all directions, the dragon swallows the air to run wildly, and between this cloud and fog, there is a faint dragon-shaped phantom.

Immediately afterwards, countless clouds seemed to be summoned by something, and swarmed towards the double-headed purple-pupil dogs.

And in this cloud and mist, a golden light began to shine through like a golden light of dawn.

After a while, the cloud was torn apart by a huge claw.

The huge single claw immediately left a golden light crack in the air, and then slashed towards the double-headed purple pupil dog.


The double-headed purple-eyed dog wailed, and was immediately torn in half by the dragon's claw with only one finger.

Luo Feng looked stunned, completely dumbfounded.

After a long while, he reacted and looked at the corpse on the ground that was split in half and fell in a pool of blood.

After performing this trick, Xiao Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He let out a long breath, a slightly tired look on his face.

"Brother Yu, are you okay." Luo Feng ran over and asked when he saw this.

Xiao Yu shook his head, rubbed his temples, and said, "I was a bit forced to start just now, because I'm not quite familiar with that trick."

Luo Feng has a weird face, he can kill a double-headed purple-pupil dog without being completely proficient?

That is a monster that is comparable to the dollar spirit realm!

Is this guy an evildoer?

Xiao Yu didn't explain anything. After all, Long Tunqi's weakening of the monster beast's bloodline power was one of his secrets.

"Hurry up and clean up, the movement here is not small, I am afraid that people from the Mu family will soon be attracted." Xiao Yu said solemnly.

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded, and quickly picked up the blood of the double-headed purple-pupil dog.

The two began to disassemble the corpse of the two-headed purple-headed dog.

When the cleaning was finished, the two were about to leave, but at this moment, the surrounding woods made a rustling sound, and Xiao Yu's face suddenly sank.


In a short while, a dozen or so figures surrounded him instantly, and they were from the Mu family!

Luo Feng's expression also changed drastically.

Mu Luonghua led the group at full speed and finally met Xiao Yu and Luo Feng at this moment.

It was these two people who successively killed Jin Yan Beast and Yan Youque.

They looked at the dry corpse on the ground in an instant, and Mu Yun was taken aback: "Two-headed purple-eyed dog!"

That is comparable to the existence of the US dollar!

Muronghua's eyes were surprised and suspicious, but the light glowed.

Mu Bin shouted angrily: "Who are you anyway?"

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng knew at a glance that they weren't from the Duanmu family. Could they be the children of some family?

But immediately afterwards, Muronghua's eyes shone with surprise.

Just because of the strength of these two people, one is in the Hedao Realm and the other is in the Pure Spirit Realm.

How did they do that?

This seems to be impossible!

Obviously, the many masters of the Mu family couldn't help being shocked.

Most of them are at the level of Yu Yu, and of course they can easily sense the aura power of Xiao Yu and Luo Feng.

Xiao Yu said calmly: "We broke into this mountain forest accidentally, and then we just experienced it here."

"Fart!" Mu Bin sneered.

"Do you really think that we are fools? You obviously work for the Duanmu family! Let go of what you get, otherwise we will be rude to you!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with a cold light, and it immediately fell on Mu Bin, and said, "You're welcome? Then you have to weigh it carefully."

After that, he sneered and looked at the corpse of the double-headed purple-eyed dog beside him intentionally or unintentionally.

Sure enough, the faces of the people in this Mu family immediately moved.


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