Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4777: The annual meeting is coming (part 1)

Xiao Yu was frightened, Duan Mu Shilan suddenly jumped out such a sentence, so that he did not have the slightest mental preparation.

How is this like a way of courtship!

But is there such a direct one?

Looking at Duanmu Shilan's cold and reserved appearance on weekdays, she is not like this kind of person!

Xiao Yu was very embarrassed to ask this, and he didn't even know how to answer.

Duanmu Shilan also felt very rude, and she quickly said: "No...not that..."

Although it didn't mean it, after she said it, even she felt her heart beat faster and her face seemed to be burned with charcoal.

Xiao Yu was relatively calm, and he asked, "Do you have any plans?"

Duanmu Shilan also recovered, nodded, and said: "In participate in the competition requires our family's children, as long long as..."

Xiao Yu nodded, and said, "As long as I am a member of your family, like your husband, I can also participate."

"Yeah." Duanmu Shilan nodded in embarrassment.

"not enough……"

Duanmu Shilan sighed and said nothing.

Xiao Yu said: "You want me to participate in the competition in the name of your family's children, but since the Mu Family gave you the so-called opportunity in the second round, they will definitely send powerful family children to participate in the first round."

Duanmu Shilan nodded and said: "The strongest young child of the Mu family has reached the Huayu Realm, even the Quasi-Yuanyuan Soul Realm. It is very powerful. Only Brother Xuan can contend with our family."

"But in the first round of the competition, it is not a battle that determines victory or defeat. In terms of strength, we lose."

Duan Mu Shilan looked at Xiao Yu, apologizing, and said, "Sorry Xiao Yu, I don't dislike your low strength, but...I really can't think of any way."

After all, Duanmu Shilan's eyes were slightly lost.

Xiao Yu patted Duan Mu Shilan on the shoulder, and comforted: "You don't have to burden yourself so much, just do your best. If it doesn't work, you may not go to Mu's house.

Duanmu Shilan's heart moved, she seemed to feel that there was something in Xiao Yu's words.

Xiao Yu didn't explain too much, his eyes flickered slightly, and said, "I'll talk about it when this matter is over."

What he didn't say was that the danger he had to deal with Mu Tenghui was even greater, and he didn't even know what the result would be. How could he still guarantee others?

"Shilan, you are here."

A gentle figure walked over, no one, but Duanmuxuan.

But there seemed to be something wrong with his eyes, of course something was wrong with Xiao Yu.

But he still came over with a smile.

Xiao Yu had already detected the arrival of Duanmuxuan, this guy had been around for quite a while.

"Xiao Yu, you are here too." Duan Muxuan greeted him, but he was not as friendly as before.

Xiao Yu nodded, and said to Duan Mu Shilan, "Take a rest today."

Leave this sentence and leave.

"Shilan, are you still worrying about the competition?" Duan Muxuan asked.

Duanmu Shilan nodded, in a relatively low mood, and said nothing.

Duan Muxuan firmly said: "Don't worry, I will do my best, and I will help the family win the first round!"

Duanmu Shilan was emotionally dispirited, nodded, and said: "I'm going back, I must hurry up these days."

Duanmuxuan's face was a little gloomy, and Duanmu Shilan obviously didn't pay too much attention to what he said.

He remembered what Duan Mu Shilan said to Xiao Yu just now, his fists were clenched, his eyes flashing.

"I won't let you participate, only I can become Shilan's husband!!"


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