Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4778: The annual meeting is coming (below)

The tense days finally arrived, and the entire Shenmu Valley suddenly became more lively.

There is no other reason. This is the most lively meeting in Shen Mugu since so long, or after the Mu family separated.

The whole Shenmu Valley had already started to get nervous two months ago.

The so-called wind and rain are coming to spend the whole building, in the past two months, the current situation of the Duanmu family is obvious to all.

All the children of Duanmu's family have reduced going out, and they all began to practice within the family.

At the beginning, naturally, the families of the two branches of the Mu family in the Maple and Ishikawa Regions went here, and then, even the first alchemist Mu Teng of the Coffin Continent also arrived.

Because of this, the people who have lived in Shenmugu for a long time realized that this time the Duanmu Family and the Mu Family's annual sacrifice meeting were definitely not that simple.

Who knows, behind it came a bet that the Duanmu family would move out of Shenmu Valley by comparison.

At this moment, they finally knew that the Mu Family had come prepared, and the Mu Family finally couldn't help it. They wanted to be the first family of the Coffin Continent in a fair way!

They have to prove that they are the backbone of this huge family!

Therefore, how can the Duanmu family relax, and how can they not fight with all their strength?

This is the annual meeting of life and death, this is the moment to determine the fate of all the children of the entire Duanmu family!

If the Mu Family wins, the owner of Shen Mu Valley will change hands, and the Mu Family in the ancestral hall will be able to take the lead.

Duanmu family is about to be forced to leave Shenmu Valley.

Of course, the children of the Duanmu family actually know that they are just diehards who left, and other disciples can still join the Mu family.

This is the real purpose of the Mu Family!

Take the essence and remove the dross!

Those who hold opposition, and diehards, are all driven out of the family.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Mu Family can stand on the Coffin Continent for so long.

They don't need these diehards, because these diehards will only prevent the development of the family.

Therefore, they are willing to use some methods, even if they do not hesitate to kill their own people, they have to clear the blood for the family.

Of course, if Shen Mugu wins, then they can continue to stick to Chen Shen Mugu.

This is always the foundation of the Duanmu family!

But in fact, only a small number of senior members of the family know that this is the key annual competition for Shenmugu and the Duanmu family to determine whether they can win or lose.

The reunion of the Yin and Yang veins is their greatest hope!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the children of countless collateral families to lift the taboo curse.

On this day, the sixteen collateral families of the Duanmu family had rushed over from other places early.

The lively Duanmu family, even the Shenmugu clan, have never experienced such a huge popularity.

Because even in the past, there are some people who have tasks on them and don't have time to participate.

But this time, the Patriarch of the collateral family asked all the children to attend, because they knew that this was an annual meeting for their own lives!

In the past, they didn't know about the taboo curse, but in these two months, Duan Mu Song and the others had to confess.

After all, you have to know that the Mu family came to Shenmugu to participate in the annual meeting, and also set up this competition. This is the first time in so many years.

Therefore, Duan Mu Song and others certainly did not hide it.

Below the back mountain of Shenmu Valley, the altars needed for sacrificial ceremonies were already full, and the martial arts stage was built.

The population of the Duanmu family, so it seems, there are almost three thousand people.

"This family is really huge."


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