Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4779: Mu Family Gathered

Luo Feng couldn't help exclaiming.

Sixteen collateral families, children of three thousand people, this is naturally a very scary existence.

Even after so many years of decline in a huge family of ten thousand years, there are still so many children. One can imagine how big the entire Coffin Continent is.

However, under Xiao Yu's consciousness, he shook his head secretly and said, "Although there are three thousand people, the development of the Duanmu family over the years is indeed uneven. Most of the 16 collateral families are Below the Three Spirit Realm."

Of course Luo Feng found out.

The cultivation base below the Three Spirit Realm is actually not too good, at least it can already enter the lower courtyard of the Cangling Academy.

Of course, there are recommended places in each place, only relatively speaking.

In places like the Coffin Continent, talented children enter the five great temples and want to get recommended places, I am afraid at least they must be in the Hedao realm or the Huayu realm.

This kind of realm was already regarded as a quasi-elite level in the upper courtyard of Cangling Academy.

And if you go to several other colleges, the threshold will of course be higher.

Therefore, from another perspective, Cangling Academy is indeed the bottom of the five major temples.

Look at Xiao Yu when he participated in the examination of the upper court, but he didn't even have a fetal elementary stage.

But Gu Xichun and others were already in the Profound Realm.

This is a big difference.

Especially, after entering the upper court, the gap in the strength of the students will be more revealed.

The heads of sixteen collateral families have gathered in the stands.

Here in the clan, headed by Duanmu Song, the head of the Duanmu family has not yet appeared.

"Brother Yu, the head of the Duanmu family is too mysterious." Luo Feng said.

Everyone was waiting for the appearance of this master, but he did not come out as expected.

Xiao Yu also nodded. This master has been in retreat since he came.

According to what Duanmuqi and Xiao Yu said, when Duanmusong and others knew about his plan, the head of the Duanmu family had appeared once, of course, it was just a voice.

Luo Feng muttered: "I heard that the master's strength is breaking through the bottleneck of the Yuan soul realm. I don't know if it has broken through."

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, he knew how powerful the Yuanpa Realm's cultivation base was.

If the fetal element state can condense the fetal element stars is the embryonic state of the gods, then the elementary state is the evolution state of the fetal element.

After reaching the Primordial Soul Realm, a dim and similarly formed space formed by the previous Unborn Primal Realm will begin to take shape, which is the so-called prototype state of the God Soul-Yuan Soul.

Of course, Yuanpao is an invisible state, but possessing Yuanpao is equivalent to stepping into the Shenpao realm. In the future, there is a great opportunity to reach the Godpao realm.

Yes, Yuanpajing is a huge threshold.

When the Yuanpao is condensed, it indicates that the powerhouse of the Yuanpao has already moved toward the Shenpao.

This is the world of Nine Heavens, the realm that people at the middle level dream of, and the huge threshold that they can dream of being able to cross!

As for transcending the Yuanpa realm, that realm is even more terrifying.

At that level, I am afraid that only the peak owner's level can compete.

Xiao Yu pondered, and said, "But even if this Duanmu clan breaks through, they can't be Mu clan opponents."

Luo Feng nodded and agreed.

Soon, the Mu family's 23 collateral families came, a team of five thousand people!

Such a large team brought a powerful aura, and the children of the Duanmu family took a deep breath.

Just here, a clear voice came from the valley——

"Hahaha! Everyone, have been waiting for a long time."

Everyone's heart is stunned, the Mu Family clan is here!


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