Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4781: Coffin mainland's first strong

The appearance of Mu Tianhong was of course the momentum that suppressed almost the entire Duanmu family and the Mu family's children slightly bowing their heads.

This kind of power seems to come from the most terrifying power between heaven and earth, and it makes people feel breathless.

This is the super powerhouse of the Coffin Continent!

Mu Tianhong led Mu Bai, Mu Ronghua and the others, and the eyes of the elders in the group were indifferent.

That kind of lofty posture, as if they are not guests, but the host here.

Together with the hundreds of people from Liu Liuquan Valley's Mu Family Clan, they are proud of themselves.

This is their background.

The overall strength of the group of people, the kind of invisible aura and oppression, is not as good as Shenmugu as the host.

Mu Tianhong laughed heartily and led the group of people to walk over, and the senior officials of the Duanmu family headed by Duanmu Song also greeted him.

"Elder Song, don't come here unharmed." Mu Tianhong asked with a smile.

Duan Musong and others leaned slightly and said, "If you have the intention, everything is fine."

To be honest, some elders such as Duan Musong are also somewhat complicated.

This is the grievances between the ancestors, and it shouldn't involve their younger generations.

It's just that the concept of governing the family is different, in fact, there is no need to meet in the form of enemies.

According to the truth, Duanmu Song is the elder of Mu Tianhong, but Mu Tianhong is carrying his hands on his back. Although his mouth is polite, his face is indifferent and cold.

"It's so airy, this guy." Luo Feng muttered in the crowd.

Xiao Yu was looking at the figure, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The wood attribute power on Mu Tianhong's body was indeed very strong, and he even felt the kind of strong breath that the entire Duanmu family did not have.

Worthy of being the No. 1 powerhouse in the Coffin Continent, in Xiao Yu's view, Mu Tianhong does have such capital that scorns the crowd.

No wonder he, as a junior, doesn't need to salute like Duan Mu Song.

Some of the children of the Duanmu family over there felt a sense of humbleness when they saw the great elder they respected so much, and suddenly felt a little discouraged in their hearts.

This is the background of the Mu Family!

One breath thought is enough to make countless people hold their breath. What a powerful force this must be!

And at this moment, Mu Langhua behind Mu Tianhong snorted coldly, and said: "You Shen Mugu really have such a big face, even our Patriarch has come out, how about your Patriarch? Could you look down on our Liuquan Valley?"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Duanmu family's face changed.

Indeed, with Mu Tianhong's posture of being a strong man, of course, it is the master of Shenmugu who needs the same specifications to meet the majesty of the Duanmu family.

Now only the great elder came out to greet him, and he was overwhelmed in aura.

You know, Duanmu family is the most orthodox Duanmu bloodline!

But now no one is sitting in town. Isn't this just a joke?

Mu Tianhong raised his brows slightly, and did not speak.

Instead, Mu Bai said indifferently: "Second, how can Shen Mugu look down on us Liuquan Valley? Besides, it's his own place, so you don't have to be so restrained."

These words changed the face of the Duanmu family.

Are all their own places?

Doesn't this imply the Mu family's determination and ambition after the annual meeting?

Some elders of the Duanmu family had cold eyes.

They are obviously provoking them!

Duanmu Donglu finally couldn't help it, he said solemnly: "No matter what Elder Mu Bo said, there is no comparison. It's too early to make a conclusion so soon, right?"


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