Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4782: The domain of Tibetan Tao!

Duanmu Donglu's voice made the elders of Mu Family Zhang sneer.

Mu Bo smiled and did not speak.

Mu Linghua sneered and stared at Duanmu Donglu, and said: "Elder Donglu, it seems that your scars have forgotten to hurt. There are some lessons, one lesson is enough, the second lesson, I am afraid it is your treatment. No matter how high it is, it can't stop the blood!"

The complexion of Duanmu Donglu and others changed suddenly, and they immediately glared.

The faces of the children of the Duanmu family changed.

Mu Langhua's words obviously contained a threat in it!

More than a month ago, in the Ebony Mountains, the woody birch injured Duanmu Donglu. Although there was no injury to the bones, it also warned Shenmugu in disguise.

Today, more than a month later, if the Duanmu family no longer knows the current affairs, then the blow it has received may be devastating.

The consequences of such a devastating blow are of course huge, and the Duanmu family simply cannot afford it!

The Duanmu family did not expect that Muronghua would threaten the entire Shenmu Valley face-to-face, really treating them Shenmu Valley as nothing?

But Duanmu Donglu was speechless.

In the front, there was Mu Ronghua’s killer sticks in awe, and in the back there was a super power like Mu Tianhong who represented the Mu family. Their Duanmu family was not as arrogant as others.

And at this moment, a chuckle came--

"Longhua, haven't seen you in a few years, you still speak so aggressively!"

Suddenly, a green glow began to rise to the sky, the entire sky was like a funnel, and the sky full of turquoise spiritual power began to shatter away, covering a full kilometer away!

That is, the entire huge Duanmu family was shrouded.

If you take a closer look, the entire cloud mist is infected by the green light.

Everyone looked up at this scene, and was suddenly stunned in amazement.

"The crowns and covers are gathered, the air is scattered for thousands of meters, this...the master has broken through the realm of the Tibetan Tao!!"

The children of the entire Duanmu family exclaimed in shock.

At the top and bottom of the Mu family, every complexion changed, some became ugly, some became pale.

But Mu Tianhong's eyes flickered slightly, changing his arrogant posture just now.

Xiao Yu looked up at this scene and exclaimed in his heart.

"Is this the realm of Tibetan Tao..."

Of course he had heard of the realm of Tibetan Dao, that is to break through the realm of Yuanpu realm!

In this medium to upper plane continent, Xiao Yu finally felt the posture of the strongest.

And there are still two at once.

One has just broken through.

It can be said that this kind of scene can not be seen casually.

Because at this point, he can barely squeeze into the ranks of the second-rate powerhouses in Nine Heavens World!

Yuan Soul Realm could already start flying, so a middle-aged figure flew out from the Duanmu family, and then fell in front of Duanmu Song and the others.

The middle-aged man has a green shirt, and the whole person gives a gentle and elegant feeling of comfort.

His eyes were as clear as a stream, and there was a sense of vastness in it.



The appearance of the middle-aged people excited Duan Mu Song and others.

Even so, all the disciples who had a heavy look just now have become glamorous at this moment.

This is the spiritual pillar of their Duanmu family, and also their strongest in Shenmu Valley-Duanmuting!


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