Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4783: Duanmu Ting

"I'm here again in the realm of Tibetan Dao. I really didn't expect that there are two such masters in Coffin Continent." Luo Feng was a little surprised.

You know, reaching the realm of Tibetan Taoism can already be regarded as a second-rate powerhouse in the nine-day world.

This second-rate powerhouse, but the existence above the countless people in the seventy-two days of the world!

It is Cangling Academy, well-known in the world of Nine Heavens, and is known as an independent power. Their five peak masters are only one level higher than the Tibetan Taoist realm.

Under normal circumstances, a medium-to-upper continent like the Coffin Continent is already very powerful to be able to produce a powerful person in the realm of Tibetan Taoism.

Because the Coffin Continent has no rankings in the Seventy-two Great Sky World, their reputation is so great that they rely on their children with pill refining talents.

In this plane world that is not good at spiritual power training, it is not easy to emerge a strong man in the realm of hidden Taoism.

However, it can be seen that the Coffin Continent is moving in the direction of Farong's development.

"The heaven and earth spirit medicine here is under the control of the Mu Family. The blood awakening of the talented children is constantly increasing, and the physique talent is better than the generation. It is only a matter of time to surpass the ancestors on the right track." Xiao Yu said.

Luo Feng nodded, and said: "Now I understand why the Mu Family must seize control of the Coffin Continent. If this continues, the Coffin Continent is definitely capable of cultivating superpowers in both spiritual power and soul cultivation. genius."

"It's just... the Duanmu family actually has an existence that can compete with the Mu family, which is really strange." Luo Feng said.

Xiao Yu calmly said: "If you don't erupt in silence, you will die in silence. I heard that this master Duanmu has been in retreat for more than half a year."

"They are being pressed by the Mu family step by step. Under some appropriate pressure, this can also be transformed into the driving force for the rise of the Duanmu family."

Luo Feng agreed and nodded, but he could feel that in Xiao Yu's tone, he was not too optimistic about the Duanmu family.

"But this is not enough, is it?" Luo Feng said.

Xiao Yu nodded and remained silent.

The growth of a family, a power, and even a plane depends on more than just one person.

It is too difficult to reverse this situation by one person and turn the tide.

However, the addition of such a powerful master in the Duanmu family finally made them mentally stable a lot.

Because the existence of a strong man is actually the Dinghai Shenzhen of a family!

"Duan Muting, I didn't expect that in a year's time, you have also broken through the Yuan soul realm." Mu Tianhong said lightly with his hands on his back.

Although Duan Muting was in the same realm as himself, Mu Tianhong was not too surprised.

Duan Muting smiled lightly and said: "Learning and then knowing what you lacked. I saw your demeanor last year, so I retreat after returning."

The eyes of Mu Bai and other elders flickered slightly.

Mu Tianhong can break through to the realm of Tibetan Dao. They can understand. After all, the Mu Family's efforts over the years have been all people gathered together, and then they continue to cultivate elixir, and continue to provide training resources to outstanding children, even their masters. , This is such a grand occasion.

Who would have thought that such a character would appear in a family that was already on the brink of desperation.

Mu Tianhong waved his hand and said with a smile: "As expected of his own people, if the ancestors knew about it, he would definitely be smiling at Jiuquan. Okay, it's not too early. Let's start offering sacrifices."

"Good." Duan Muting smiled slightly.

However, in the depths of Mu Tianhong's eyes, a cold color flashed.

The sacrifice began soon.


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