Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4796: The strange "remedy"

When those alchemy children saw Duanmu Shilan actually put the poisonous insects in the furnace, the alchemist at Duanmu's family suddenly exclaimed.

"Miss, what is he doing? Doesn't she know that this will activate the poisonous insects?"

"Miss is crazy? Once the poisonous insect is activated, all the energy will be swallowed up by it! And there will be the danger of backlash!"

These alchemists are all relatively talented alchemists of the Duanmu family.

They know exactly what kind of poisonous insects are.

Moreover, what makes them even more incredible is, why add poisonous insects to the poisoning of alchemy?

In the refining of the Chi Mai Pill, although you can add some auxiliary elixir more or less according to your own understanding of the spirit pill, they are very small.

Because in the alchemy of predecessors, the prescriptions were constantly improved.

As long as it doesn't affect the drug's properties and grade, then it is not a foul in the competition.

But Duanmu Shilan's practice really exceeded their expectations.

Because they are puzzled, what is the effect of adding poisonous insects?

Could it be that where did the young lady learn the alchemy method?

But the alchemy technique of the Coffin Continent has been passed down since ancient times.

Although it can't be compared with the mentorship of Jiutian's world-class power, it will not be much worse.

The alchemists on the Mu family's side were all mocking.

"Hehe, she must be crazy, she must have realized that she is bound to lose, that's why she acted madly."

"Who knows, maybe where I learned the folk remedy! Maybe it would blow the tripod, the soul backlash would be self-inflicted."

Mu Teng thought in his heart.

For such a talented child of alchemy, Mu Teng would of course be reluctant to bear it.

The reason why he was able to remain calm was because he guessed that Duan Mu Shilan would definitely not be aimless in doing so.

Mu Zi'an also noticed Mu Teng's expression. He asked, "Teacher?"

Mu Teng thought for a while and said, "Just look at it and you'll know."

Mu Zi'an nodded slightly, but he seemed to disagree.

As an alchemy pupil of Yunsheng College, the methods of alchemy he has come into contact with are very broad.

Even if it was his vision, in the Coffin Continent, perhaps only Mu Teng could surpass him.

Therefore, he believes that Duanmu Shilan mostly has some other alchemy methods, but it is not orthodox, and it can even be said to be a folk prescription.

For him, who was taught as an alchemist at Yunsheng Academy, he certainly wouldn't care about these alchemy methods that he had never heard of before.

Sure enough, as soon as the poisonous insects were put in, the whole furnace shook violently.

Duanmu Shilan gritted her teeth, all the power of the soul was urged in, and then included the poisonous insects, trying to integrate it into the spiritual liquid.

Xiao Yu continued: "I just asked you to separate the two halves of the soul power, one part is to prevent the poisonous insects from moving, and your other half of the soul power is to separate the'three yellows' that just melted in the spiritual liquid Come out and feed the poisonous insects."

What is this operation?

Duan Mu Shilan did not hesitate too much, because her mind had to be divided into two parts, and she couldn't hold on for too long.

And there is only so much soul power left, and it can only make a desperate bet.

Just do it. After Duan Mu Shilan finished all this, a strange scene appeared, the poisonous insect was not struggling, it immediately turned into a stream of light and merged into the spiritual fluid.

Immediately afterwards, many impurities were separated out!

This degree of separation of impurities turned out to be the purest since Duanmu Shilan's alchemy.

What happened to this?

And the spirit fluid has become more pure!

All this happened so fast that Duan Mu Shilan felt incredible.

"Well, you can condense pills now."


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