Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4797: The best red pulse pill

The alchemists present were all surprised.

According to the truth, Duanmu Shilan should begin to condense her pill!

But after she put the poisonous insects in, she was obviously still in the stage before condensing pills.

But in this way, does she still have extra soul power to condense pills?

A Celestial Spirit alchemist in the Mu family snorted coldly: "This girl is really too ridiculous. If she does this, where can she condense the pill, maybe there is waste liquid inside."

"I remember there are some peculiar remedies. Some auxiliary elixir can be added to help the pill to form."

Another human said: "But it won't be added to such a poisonous and dangerous thing like the poisonous insect. If the soul encounters backlash, then she will be destroyed in this life."

The alchemists of these Mu family all looked at Mu Teng.

They knew that Mu Teng favored Duan Mu Shilan, but if Duan Mu Shilan died like this, it would be a great loss for Mu Teng and their Mu Family.

But Mu Teng thought about something, the more he felt something was wrong.

"How come I have seen this kind of alchemy method somewhere..."

When Duanmu Shilan started to condense the pills, she was surprised to find that she didn't need to expend much effort, all the spiritual liquid had begun to condense into a spherical shape.

Gradually, a kind of aroma slowly came out.


At this moment, Mu Zi'an seemed to be aware of a strange phenomenon.

At this stage of condensing pills, the fragrance will not come out until the later stage. This time is the key stage of the formation of the spirit pills. All the spirit fluids are locked, and the energy becomes further refined.

According to Mu Zi'an's idea, this step of condensing pill will take at least three hours before it can emit the fragrance.

But the time to add the poisonous insects before removing it doesn't count, it's only a few minutes!

How is this possible! ?

Don't say it's him, even the alchemists who are familiar with the red pulse pill are dumbfounded.

The problems they are aware of are the same as Mu Zi'an.

"Could it be..." Duanmu Huai's eyes lit up, her face full of excitement.

However, the alchemist on the Mu family's side obviously disagrees. Someone said: "She is probably going to make a desperate move and put all the remaining soul power on this one."

"This kind of pill condensing method is available, but because the process is shortened, the final pill will become irregular and a lot of energy will be leaked. In short, the rank has a great opportunity to become inferior. , Even scrap."

"Well, this kind of pill condensing method is generally time-critical, in the personal alchemy."

"But now it's a competition, she's kind of trivial."

Mu Zi'an's eyes were startled and uncertain. He was so knowledgeable, but not comparable to the alchemists in the Coffin Continent. He secretly asked, is this really the case?

After more than ten minutes of time passed, something unexpected happened.

Duanmu Shilan opened her eyes, followed by a burst of blood bursting into the sky, and the fragrance drifted out. Then, the phantom of a double-headed dog with purple pupils condensed and formed.

"This... the best red pulse pill!"

Duanmu Huai couldn't help but exclaimed, and on the Mu Family's side, many of the children's faces became frozen.

"How is this possible!?"

This turned out to be a completely formed Red Pulse Pill, and it was only the best!

But before they were horrified, a more shocking scene appeared.

However, the double-headed purple-pupil dog started to flash with a **** light.

Mu Teng's eyes began to flicker.

"So that's it..."


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