Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4800: The comer is not good (part 1)

Duanmu Shilan walked towards Xiao Yu happily, a grateful expression gleaming in her beautiful eyes.

"Xiao Yu, thank you..." Duan Mu Shilan's cheeks had a hint of red cheeks, and when she was happy, she took Xiao Yu's hand.

"Successful, really successful."

This scene was seen by the children of the Duanmu family next to him, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

Even some children can't help but become envy and hate.

Among them, Duan Muxuan saw this scene, silently lowered his head and said nothing, but from his body, an extremely cold breath was exuded.

Xiao Yu was also startled, and he didn't expect Duan Mu Shilan to be so excited.

But I think about it, if you practice alchemy according to common sense, Duanmu Shilan will definitely have no chance.

If it weren't for Xiao Yu's rare, even hard-to-understand remedy, it would be impossible for him to turn defeat into victory.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "This requires you to have enough courage to try. If you don't believe me, you can't do this well."

Duanmu Shilan's eyes had a strange light, and she looked even more energetic.

The elders such as Duanmu Song and Duanmu Huai also walked over, and their faces were full of joy.

After all, no matter how they say it, they all know Mu Family's intention is to use the huge pressure given to them in the first round, thereby affecting their subsequent performance.

But obviously, the Mu family made a mistake.

Duan Mu Song, Duan Mu Huai and others didn't know that Duan Mu Shilan was able to do this. Someone must be guiding him behind him, and this person could only be Xiao Yu.

However, looking at so many children of the family, Duan Musong and others just looked at Xiao Yu with gratitude instead of choosing to speak out.

They only need to know this, because if it reaches the Mu Family's ears, there will be quarrels and troubles.

Now that the Mu Family has given up on their own initiative, of course they are happy, and don't choose to settle down?

But when Duan Musong and the others looked at Duan Mu Shilan with a smile, Duan Mu Shilan realized that she was too happy, and then she held Xiao Yu's hand.

Duanmu Shilan's face flushed, and she immediately let go in shock.

Duanmu Shilan's face flushed, and she changed the subject in a low voice and asked, "Elder, where is my father?"

At this time, Duanmu Shilan realized that Duanmu Ting had not come.

Duan Musong's eyes flickered and said, "The Patriarch has gone to close his eyes and rest his mind."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he also understood what was going on.

The Mu family's conspiracy is too obvious. Obviously, the senior management of the Duanmu family knows that it is impossible for the Mu family to give in so easily. They must have something to follow.

Of course Duanmu Ting had to prepare for the worst.

In the same way, from the Mu Family's side, Mu Tianhong hadn't uttered a voice since the start of the competition, and the others were presided over by the Mu Family's elders.

The two masters are the strongest in the audience. Maybe they meet at the end, and the fish die and the net is broken, so the casualties are very terrifying.

Duan Mu Shilan also knew the seriousness of the matter, and she soon calmed down.

Because there are two more rounds next, these two rounds are the key rounds.

I won the first round, but it only made the family's children more confident.

And at this moment, Duan Mu Song and others looked at them, only Mu Teng and Mu Zi'an came over, and their eyes suddenly became bad.

"Shilan, you really surprised me!"


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