Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4801: The comer is not good (part 2)

Mu Teng and Mu Zi'an came over, both of them were smiling.

It seems that for their Mu family, even Mu Teng and Mu Zi'an, losing in the first round doesn't mean anything at all. They don't care at all.

But Duan Mu Song and others felt their expressions, and their complexions became heavy involuntarily.

The children of the Duanmu family didn't even dare to take a breath.

Although the two families are now equivalent to a big battle, they were unscrupulous and walked over to their camp violently, which didn't put the Duanmu family in their eyes.

Although being praised this way represents recognition of oneself, Duan Mu Shilan is not happy at all.

Just in respect, Duan Mu Shilan humbly said: "Master Mu Teng is absurd, it's just luck."

Mu Teng glanced at Duan Mu Song and the surrounding children, and said with a smile: "The old saying goes, the two armies are at war, and we don't cut the enemy. What's more, we are all our own. It seems that we are not welcome!"

Duan Mu Song smiled slightly and said: "Where, it's just a test, it won't hurt your peace."

That said, but the eyes of Duanmu Donglu and others are still unkind and heavy.

Mu Teng and the others are too calm in this way, and they don't have the kind of dejection and anger that they lost.

Mu Zi'an smiled and said, "Sister Shilan, if it's just luck, I wouldn't be willing to give in. This time even I have to admire it."

The surrounding Duanmu family couldn't help but cast a surprised look at Mu Zi'an.

If you lose, you can still have such a mind, and this kind of tolerance is really not owned by anyone.

But then, Mu Zi'an's voice changed, and he smiled: "But I'm very curious how can Junior Sister Shilan cultivate this rare remedy?"

Duanmu Shilan's eyes flickered, and Mu Zi'an continued: "Let me guess, there must be a powerful expert behind Shilan Junior Sister, I don't know if I'm lucky enough to make friends?"

After that, Mu Zi'an's eyes swept over Duan Mu Song and the others. Vaguely, the power of his soul turned into a strange power that seemed to be a big hand, and he shrouded them so unscrupulously .

Under normal circumstances, the strong will have their own realms of consciousness.

Therefore, if there is an invasion of other people's consciousness, it will be regarded as an invasion, or even an offense, and will be sensed at the same time.

But this Mu Zi'an, so boldly released all of his consciousness, and even directly enveloped the bodies of Shang Duan Mu Song and others.

Among them, Duanmuhuai's face suddenly changed.

He is a celestial spirit realm alchemist, and of course he is very keen on soul consciousness.

Although Mu Zi'an's soul power was not terrifying, the vastness, pervasiveness, and purity at the same time made his soul feel surrendered.

Yes, it's like a cow meets a lion.

The body of a bull is bigger than that of a lion, but the aura and majesty of a lion makes it scary to see a bull.


Duanmu Donglu was furious and shouted angrily. His aura swept out. Mu Zi'an's soul detection was directly shattered and turned into invisible ripples.

"Mu Zi'an, please pay attention to your identity, this is not the place where you come in."

But Mu Zi'an didn't care, because his purpose had been obtained, and he could only see the young man next to Duan Mu Shilan.

"Sister Shilan, why don't you introduce me to such a great friend?"


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