Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4808: Strange test arrangement (part 2)

In any case, the second round is about to begin after all.

The first two families to play was a young child in the middle stage of the Hedao realm.

"Boom boom boom!"

The battle on the ring began immediately.

Among the teams of both sides, the strongest is the late stage of the Huayu Realm. On the Duanmu family's side is Duanmuxuan, and on the Mu family's side is a young man named Muling.

Both of them used a kind of wood attribute power to fight, but the young man named Mu Jianhua shot more quickly, and his power was deeper and stronger.

It seems to be the same level, but it stabilizes the Duanmu family.

After the two people fought for five rounds, the people on the Duanmu family could not withstand the fierce offensive of the other party after all, and then they were defeated.

Everyone in the Duanmu family sighed secretly.

In fact, they had seen it early in the morning that in the physical superiority, or the method of cultivation, or the attack of spirituality, the Duanmu family showed a kind of weakness.

Luo Feng pulled Duanmu Xinqi over and asked curiously: "The strength of the four of them seems to be about the same as the strength of the four of your family!"

Duanmu Xinqi smiled bitterly: "Yes, we also found out, so now the hope lies with Senior Brother Xuan."


Luo Feng was a little disapproving and said, "Obviously, the Mu Family deliberately looked down on you. Brother, I am not afraid to tell you that even with the same strength, you are not their opponents."

Luo Feng is very impolite. After all, as a bystander, he is not a member of the Duanmu family. Of course, it can be said that he is calm and gentle.

Duanmu Xinqi gave a bitter smile, but his eyes continued to flicker, and said, "But Brother Xuan will definitely not listen. He has heard that he has touched the threshold of the peak of Huayu Stage. The Mu Family really miscalculated this time.

Luo Feng was a little surprised, and said: "You mean that Duanmuxuan guy has hidden his strength?"

Duanmu Xinqi's eyes were bright and he said, "Yes, this is what the elder told us."

Seeing the confidence in Duanmu Xinqi's eyes, Luo Feng stopped fighting.

But Xiao Yu was also silent.

Is it really?

If this is really the case, even if the Mu family doesn't know, but with their cautious character, they should be able to guard against the Duanmu family.

Moreover, sending more talented children directly to the battlefield, isn't it a good deal?

Why did the Mu Family take this risk?

This is not like the Mu family's practice of combining Yin and Yang.

But then, what surprised the Duanmu family was that when the second member of the Duanmu family came to power, the young man named Mu Jianhua said indifferently: "I give up."

Immediately afterwards, Mu Jianhua turned around faintly, as if he had stepped down like a light cloud.

Everyone was shocked.

It is true that the second child of the Duanmu family also has the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the Dao Realm. After the battle, Mu Jianhua is almost impossible to be his opponent.

But looking at his calm expression, it was as if he was planning to surrender early in the morning.

Normal people, shouldn't they fight for it?

At this moment, the Duanmu family was even more puzzled, what is the Mu family doing?

However, if you look at it from another angle, it should be surrendered when the strength is weak.

Soon, another young man from the Mu family named Mu Jing Lun also played.

There is no doubt that his strength is also the pinnacle of He Dao Stage.

The battle continued for five rounds, and the Duanmu family was defeated again.

Suddenly, Duanmu's family became nervous, because they had already failed two people!


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