Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4809: What "medicine" is sold in the gourd

When the Duanmu family sent a third person to play, the entire Duanmu family was very surprised that this Mu Jingxuan calmly announced his surrender, and then smiled at the Duanmu family member, directly It's over.

"what happened?"

This time, the entire Duanmu family was dumbfounded.

The person who just played, the famous Duan Muhao, has reached the level of mid-term Huayu realm.

But Kijing stunned, his strength was just the pinnacle of the Hedao realm.

According to the words of the game, Mu Jingzhen would not be Duan Muhao's opponent.

But that is under normal circumstances!

In other words, if Mu Jing desperately fights, maybe he has a chance to defeat Duan Muhao.

Just because this is the Mu family!

According to common sense, the Mu family should be determined to win. Therefore, whether it is the top five or the top ten, their children should go all out to fight for this victory.

However, the surrender of Mu Jianhua, the one in front of Mu Jingyi, is beyond ordinary people's understanding.

Now this Kijing stunned, unexpectedly surrendered again?

It’s good to join Kii Su and do his best, even if there is only a small chance to win!

At least this is the same, there is only one Duanmuxuan left in the Duanmu family, and there are two more people in the Mu family who can play!

Isn't the Mu Family's odds of winning even greater?

Kijing's surrender, is this undoubtedly unnecessary?

What are they doing?

Such an unreasonable occurrence made Duan Mu Song and others completely confused.

And the same strange thing is that when this Kijing came off the court, his eyes were still very calm, as if it weren't the same thing at all.

This is also what makes Xiao Yu very strange.

But what Xiao Yu could vaguely guess was that, just like the first round, since the Mu Family put alchemy before it, they must have some intention in this round.

Mu Jingxuan's surrender was the Mu Family's choice, and Duan Mu Song would certainly inconvenience to ask more.

Soon, the third person from the Mu family appeared on the stage. It was a young man named Mu Guifeng.

Mu Guifeng was the cultivation base in the middle of the Huayu Realm, and his strength was the same as Duan Muhao on the court.

"Duan Muhao, you are not my opponent, surrender, otherwise it will not look good if you are beaten by me." Mu Guifeng said lightly.

Duan Muhao's eyes sank and said: "Mu Guifeng, you and I have the same strength, so why not be deceived, you have to fight before you know who is the opponent."

"I admire your courage, but it is a pity that to me, your courage is nothing but a dying struggle."

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Guifeng's eyes drenched, and the green wood sword started directly, and the blue sword light was cut horizontally.

The sword light directly crossed a distance of tens of meters, Ling Ling and with a murderous aura, the air seemed to be divided into two halves.

This scene made the Duanmu family children onlookers startled in an uproar.

The power of Mu Guifeng's sword actually contains such a charm in it!

You know, this sword power of the Green Wood Sword vaguely refers to the mid-term of the Huayu Realm!

Duan Muhao's expression changed, but he shouted, a green light surged out, and a low-level spiritual technique enveloped him.


Who knows, Duan Muhao's almost full-stroke spiritual technique exploded after a moment of stalemate.


Then, Duan Muhao was cut by Mu Guifeng with two moves, and he was forced to kneel on the ground with the Qingmu sword resting on his neck.

"you lose."

Anytime, Duanmu's house is gloomy.


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