Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4810: Shocked move

It can be said that the heart of the entire Duanmu family sank.

Regardless of the purpose of Mu Family's surrender in these two rounds, but in the case of the same level, it is almost impossible for the Duanmu family’s children to be their opponents. From this point of view, the Duanmu family’s chances of winning are naturally weak. less.

"The children of the Mu family have excellent physical talents. Even if they are placed in the five major temples, they can also become formal children of the upper courtyard." Luo Feng couldn't help but whispered.

The cultivation base of the Huayu Realm can already enter the A Academy.

Get acquainted, the strongest in the second courtyard is already the scene of the Hedao realm.

If you want to get a place in Academy A, of course at least you have to Huayu Realm.

And this young man named Mu Guifeng is only one of the top ten in the Mu family!

God knows what kind of cultivation is their top five?

I am afraid that he is the super genius of Yuanpa Realm, right?

The Yuanpa Realm within twenty-five years old, that is already the cultivation base of the main peak children of Cangling Academy!

And it's a genius who can be ranked among the children of the main peak!

Of course, Luo Feng, who was sitting at the gate of Baiya Peak, knew exactly what kind of existence the Yuanpa Realm was under the age of twenty-five.

Even if it wasn't for the ambition of others to destroy one's prestige, the Mu Family's ability is indeed extraordinary!

No wonder they have the confidence to send the top ten.

Perhaps, they know that even these few people do not need to send more talented children to win this round, right?

The failure of Duanmuhao means that the Duanmu family is the last one!

That is Duanmuxuan!

The eyes of all the children of the Duanmu family fell on Duanmuxuan.

Duanmuxuan's eyes flickered slightly.

"Brother Xuan, come on!"

"Senior Brother Xuan definitely can, don't worry."

"We must hold this round, as long as this round is won, then we will win!"

Many children cast a look of expectation, admiration, and even longing toward Duanmuxuan.

Duanmu Shilan's beautiful eyes also flickered, and she whispered softly, "Brother Xuan..."

Duanmuxuan raised his head slightly, smiled and looked at Duanmu Shilan, with a love in his eyes.

"Shilan, rest assured, the family will not perish."

Duanmu Shilan nodded, relieved.

She still knows the strength of Duanmuxuan.

And Duanmuxuan has touched the peak of the Huayu Realm since this time.

On the other hand, the highest strength of the people sent by the Mu Family this time was only in the late stage of the Huayu Realm. They must have never imagined that they would have such a successor.

This is where they miscalculated!

I thought it could be taken lightly, but I didn't know that this kind of pride ruined victory.

"Xuan." Duanmu Donglu also nodded towards Duanmu Xuan, with a kind of encouragement in his eyes.

These elders did not say much, but they were all full of expectations.

Duanmuxuan nodded slightly, and then walked towards the stage.

When he passed the crowd, his eyes swept to someone inadvertently, and there was a kind of coldness in his eyes.

Seeing Duanmuxuan walking towards the ring by default, Luo Feng muttered: "How do I feel that this guy seems to have changed, becoming like...he is thinking about it."

Xiao Yu also discovered that Duanmuxuan said very little, perhaps because of pressure?

But he always felt that the eyes that Duan Muxuan swept over by accident just now seemed to have a kind of hostility in it.

Look at the Mu Family, especially Mu Bai and others. Seeing Duanmu Xuan on stage, there was no response at all.

Finally, when Duanmuxuan stood on the ring, all the Duanmu clan's eyes were filled with fiery and anticipation.

But Duan Muxuan lowered his head slightly, and remained silent forever.

Everyone is a little strange, what's wrong with Duanmuxuan?

However, Mu Guifeng smiled slightly and said, "Senior Brother Xuan, at this point, do I need to hesitate?"

The Duanmu family was startled, hesitating? What are you hesitating?

For some reason, Duan Mu Song's heart jumped slightly as the referee.

After a long while, Duanmuxuan took a deep breath, raised his head slightly, and he spoke.

But his words made the entire Duanmu family's complexion suddenly change.

"I surrender."

For a while, the faces of the entire Duanmu family were completely dull.

Duanmuxuan unexpectedly... admit defeat! !

Xiao Yu's eyes gleamed slightly, and his heart was completely stunned.


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