Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4812: Unexpected betrayal

"They calculated every step inside, so they lost the first round, and there was no psychological pressure at all, because they knew that they could win a round in the second round." Xiao Yu said calmly.

Before they were thinking about whether the Mu Family sent these four people to fight, instead of sending more powerful people, would this be unnecessary.

But now that I think about it, this is not a superfluous act at all, this is a matter of confidence!

Duanmuxuan stood up, wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, and said solemnly: "Elder, I'm sorry."

Duanmu Donglu was furious.

If Duanmuxuan explained, then he could still forgive, but he just said sorry and said nothing, which aroused Duanmu Donglu's anger even more.

what is this?

Is it perfunctory?

Duanmu Donglu was about to fight, and finally, Mu Linghua's calm voice came over, saying: "Donglu, why bother? This is his own choice, and none of us can interfere, can it?"

"Shut up!!" Duanmu Donglu looked over, his eyes flushed, and he shouted angrily.

Mu Bai and the others didn't care, but their faces were calm.

"Good birds choose wood and live there. This is human nature. Since Duanmuxuan has made a choice, shouldn't we respect his choice?" Mu Bo looked at Duanmu Donglu and said lightly.

The faces of the entire Duanmu family's children turned pale in a moment.

Mu Bo spoke up, which means that Duanmuxuan really wants to take refuge in them!

Even the most talented children of his own family are facing each other, what about Shenmugu's future? What else to rely on? What else can be used to maintain?

Mu Luonghua and the others glanced at the Duanmu family with sarcasm.

Seeing their low and sad expressions, the more proud they are.

Everything is under their control.

Duanmu Donglu was so angry that he was trembling with smoke.

Who knows that Mu Ronghua glanced at all Duanmu families and said: "Of course, not just Duanmuxuan, any of you, if you have any ideas, you can tell us, after all, you have the same blood. People, we will tolerate and accept you."

Thousands of people in Duanmu's family were all stagnated, and they were silent.

This is equivalent to disguising the entire Duanmu family to make chaos inside!

This is disturbing people's hearts and inciting discord.

"Too cruel." Luo Feng muttered.

Yes, the Mu Family is really too cruel.

Duanmuxuan's "rebellion" had already put a knife on the Duanmu family, and now they are still sprinkling salt in their wounds. It can be said that the entire Duanmu family is a bit messy.

And this is the purpose of the Mu Family!

Whether it was the first round, or secretly wooing Duanmuxuan, and the arrangement on the second round, it also showed that the Mu family would give all the children of the Duanmu family the greatest degree of blow whether it was in results or psychologically.

What a shame!

Xiao Yu also felt that the Mu Family was really terrible.

No wonder they can become the largest family in the Coffin Continent. This is not without reason.

Finally, Duan Musong said: "Donglu, the matter is a foregone conclusion, we respect the children of any family."

Then Duan Musong looked at this talented child that all the elders had carefully cultivated, and said, "Xuan, I hope you can fly higher."

Duan Muxuan trembled, didn't say anything, stepped off the ring and headed towards the Mu Family.

"In the second round, Liuquangu wins."


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