Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4813: The third round, Secret Realm

In this way, the first two rounds came to an end in unexpected situations.

However, the Duanmu family had a slightly happy expression because of the victory in the first round, and when Duanmuxuan announced that they had given up, it was gone.

The entire Duanmu family is presented in a heavy and depressing atmosphere.

After the crowd, watching this scene, Xiao Yu whispered: "This is the purpose of the Mu Family. They are so confident. Needless to say, in the third round, they must have some confidence in their hands."

Luo Feng said: "The Mu Family City Mansion is so deep, it's really terrible. No wonder they can become the first family of the Coffin Continent!"

Although they have said this sentence many times and heard many times, they have also seen the methods and capabilities of the Mu Family.

But as they went deeper into the Mu Family, they also had a deeper understanding of the Mu Family, and they felt that the Mu Family was really the first family in the Coffin Continent worthy of the name.

Regardless of the strength, the city government, and the Mu Family's foresight, step by step, cautious behavior, etc., they are all amazing.

Although Xiao Yu didn't like the Mu Family, the Mu Family's strength did have a strong reason.

From this point of view, it is impossible for the Duanmu family to catch up with the Mu family for a hundred years, or even hundreds of years.

"No wonder the people of the Mu family hate these elders of the Duanmu family so much." Xiao Yu shook his head.

For a family that is constantly growing, both in character and strength, how can one allow a bloodline and reputation higher than himself to overpower him?

That's why they want to regain Shenmu Valley, only want the combination of Yin and Yang, and restore the peak of the family.

On these foundations, take the essence and discard the dross!

Die-hards like Duanmu Donglu are just dross, they don't even mind killing them clearly!

This also reflects the Mu Family's determination.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to shift their positions, all walking towards the depths of Shenmu Valley.

At the end of the crowd, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng walked side by side.

"It seems that the mystery of the third round is very mysterious!" Luo Feng exclaimed.

The third round is said to be going in to get the chance of the secret realm.

This secret realm seems to be a common mysterious place for the Duanmu family and the Mu family.

Xiao Yu said: "Shilan told me that in the secret realm, the family ancestors of the past generations entered, at least they belonged to the Yuanpa realm. If other strengths enter, there will be great danger. Because chance is accompanied by danger. ."

Luo Feng nodded, but his eyes were also suspicious, and said: "If you say that, the Mu Family should treat it with caution, but they can only put their last hope in it."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "They didn't expect the first round. They thought they could win in two rounds, but when I look at their expressions, they don't seem to care very much. It seems that their chances of winning the third round are not. small."

Luo Feng also discovered that Duanmu Family and Mu Family had two different attitudes.

The Duanmu family is a kind of anxiety, while the Mu family is more of a kind of calm and expectation.


Luo Feng smiled bitterly: "The chance of the Duanmu family winning in the third round is almost negligible, right?"

Xiao Yu nodded indecision.

Duanmuxuan, the biggest pillar, has taken refuge in the Mu family. Who else in the Duanmu family can afford this banner?

Of course, even if Duanmuxuan did not rebel, in terms of overall strength, the chance of winning the Duanmu family is still very small, because there are still several talented children of the Mu family who have not played!

This is the barrier of the Mu family!

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and looked at Duan Mu Shilan not far away.

Duanmu Shilan's face was dim and low, and she said nothing.

Duan Mu Shilan looked at Xiao Yu as if she felt Xiao Yu's gaze, and gave a strong smile.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and his heart was silent.

Soon, the mighty crowd reached the depths of Shenmu Valley.


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