Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4814: The "chance" of a life of nine deaths

In the depths of Shenmu Valley, there is a low basin, and at this time it is night, and the surroundings are more peaceful.

I don't know why, when Xiao Yu first stepped here, he seemed to have a familiar feeling in his heart.

"Brother Yu?" Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu as if a little lost, and suddenly called out.

Xiao Yu reacted and said, "I'm fine."

Luo Feng looked around and said, "It's really strange here, I always feel a gloomy feeling."

Shenmu Valley is said to have been split into a valley by a force of heaven and earth, and the entire terrain is going down.

Therefore, the closer to the ground, the richer the soil and wood properties become.

So here will give people a deep and calm atmosphere.

Duan Musong solemnly said: "Next, we will open this secret realm for the third round of competition. Before the competition, I must say something clearly."

"This secret realm was found by the ancestors of our race. Although there are great opportunities in the legend, almost all the ancestors who entered in the past died in it. Therefore, the result of this round of competition is secondary, and the most important thing is to come out safely."

"After our discussion, each has a quota of 100 family children. With a one-month period, whoever gets the chance is the one who wins."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's eyes lit up.

This secret realm that has existed for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, is almost not open to ordinary family children.

Because it was too dangerous inside, it was only at the level of elders, even Yuanpa realm cultivation base.

In spite of all the opportunities in the world, what we look at is not strength, but a kind of "fate."

And this kind of fate is very elusive, which also leads to countless people who ignore their own strength and choose to fight.

Even if there is only a one-in-a-million chance, but if you get such an opportunity, then you will fly to the sky, and you will be thousands of miles!

Who doesn't want to ask?

However, because of this, countless people have overlooked the most important point, strength.

Xiao Yu had experienced many storms and entered some secret realms, so he knew very well that there were dangers in the secret realm. He didn't have certain strength, and he couldn't even touch the face of chance.

Not to mention, chance itself is illusory.

Duan Mu Song looked at the excited eyes of his family's children and shook his head slightly in his heart.

He had expected these reactions from his family's children.

But these elders in high positions are also very coveted for opportunities, let alone people with weak strength?

But where is the opportunity so easy to obtain?

Mu Ronghua said indifferently: "Don't be happy so early. Opportunities are rare in a lifetime, and they are unforgettable. I advise everyone to think clearly about the consequences before going in."

Duanmu Donglu and others looked at Muronghua with cold eyes.

"Mu Ronghua, it's already this round. If you still say these things here, you seem like you villains."

"Oh? You mean I'm afraid you can get these opportunities?"

Mu Ronghua sneered and said: "These opportunities are that you and I will not be able to come out alive. I am just advising you that before you go in, it is best to weigh yourself, because the only ancestor who comes out is my wife. Grandpa’s grandpa, no one knows the degree of danger inside. Maybe, the moment you go in, your souls will disappear!"

The audience was suffocated immediately.


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