Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4815: Ginseng Peach Legend

Only one person from the ancestors of the past came out, and that person was the grandfather of Mu Longhua's grandfather.

This is naturally a long time ago. If you go to check the genealogy, you can check it out.

Looking at Muronghua's demeanor, it does not seem to be a lie, and there is no need to lie.

However, what Mu Ronghua said is indeed an issue that must be considered.

The ancestors of the previous dynasties were in the Yuanpa realm, and they were all nine deaths when they entered. What about them?

If you want to take risks than then, you really have to weigh.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "Luo Feng, do you hear anything."

Luo Feng nodded and said, "I heard that his ancestors are inside, so there must be something left for him."

No wonder Mu Ronghua dared to stand up and say this sentence. The most important purpose of this is to scare the Duanmu family.

After all, if there is danger, then everyone will be in danger.

But Muronghua was different. His ancestors went inside, and he was the only one to come out alive.

And if Mu Ronghua told her family's children in advance, wouldn't their chances of winning be greater?

How can Duan Musong and others not hear it?

Their faces are even more ugly.

Duanmu Donglu was not reconciled, he said solemnly: "Judging victory is to get chance as the standard, but how can chance be so easy to get, if none of us get chance?"

"You are right," Mu Ronghua nodded, "So, we can add one."

"In the records of the ancestors, there are some ancient plant creatures in the secret realm, named Shentao."


Duan Mu Song and others were moved, and even Xiao Yu's eyes lit up.

"There are ginseng peaches inside?"

"My God, this...this seems to bear fruit only once in ten thousand years!"

"This is still recorded in very old ancient books. Does this really exist?"

All the children of the Duanmu family were shocked.

The venue suddenly became an uproar.

Luo Feng asked curiously: "Brother Yu, what is Shentao?"

Xiao Yu immediately explained.

Ginseng peach is a kind of spiritual fruit that grew tens of thousands of years ago.

This kind of spirit fruit has experienced at least ten thousand years of growth, and after absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, it begins to transform into the shape of a baby human form, and a trace of quasi-spiritual wisdom will be born.

Therefore, this kind of ginseng peach can be said to bear fruit once every 10,000 years.

To put it simply, ginseng peach is the fruit with vitality and spiritual power. If swallowed, the most common effect is to live and die, and the effect is comparable to the precious life elixir.

The secret technique in the world, the spirit pill, is extremely rare.

Take the secret technique as an example, nothing is the reincarnation of life, the technique of changing life for life.

Taking the spirit pill, it is definitely a kind of heavenly spirit pill that even a spiritualist can hardly refine.

Even for some rare elixir, it may be difficult to find after searching the Nine Heavens World.

Therefore, this kind of ginseng peach is already recorded and known as the "magic medicine".

And the deadly bones are just the most common medicinal effect!

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu groaned: "But it is said that this ginseng peach has other functions because it is too scarce, and there are very few records in ancient books."

For Shentao, Xiao Yu also knew from the memory of Poison Saint Mo Suhe.

It is Mo Suhe and other existences that seem to have only heard of it, and one can imagine how precious this kind of spiritual fruit that bears fruit once every 10,000 years is.

If you can get one, it can definitely be collected as a treasure, because it can at least bring back the dead!

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