Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4816: The criteria for judging victory

So, for a continent that produces elixir, everyone of Shentao has certainly heard of it.

But Duanmu Donglu calmed down and said, "Who knows if what you said is true."

Mu Ronghua said calmly: "This is an ancestor's record, I don't know whether it is true or not."

"Furthermore, is your worry unnecessary? If you don't get the chance and take the peach as the criterion for judging, then everyone's goal is the same, and the danger is naturally shared by everyone."

Duanmu Donglu frowned, and said, "That's the way it is said, Shentao must be guarded by a powerful beast, which is too dangerous for everyone."

Mu Langhua raised his brows. He didn't expect that Duanmu's family would be blocked by many. What else would he want to say, Mu Bai continued: "Well, it's better to be like this. We will choose one of the children to take the lead. If you really show up Say, if you can't get the chance, and you can't get the peach, how about the final victory of the two children fighting against each other?"

The Duanmu family's complexion changed slightly, it was their turn to have an opinion, because their strongest person had already passed the Mu family!


Mu Ronghua snorted coldly, and said coldly: "You don't want to make an inch of it. You will take the test. The content is negotiated by both of us. This is fair."

Duanmu Donglu and the others were suddenly speechless.

Yes, its solid wood family has already made concessions.

Just like in the first round, they did not mess around and find fault.

In the second round, although they used some methods, in the end it was Duanmuxuan's own choice.

As for the third round, the Mu Family had already thought about two situations, but they were actually letting Duanmu Family in disguise.

Moreover, this third round of adventure competition in the secret realm is actually the only opportunity for the Duanmu family.

If the Mu family is forced to be too tight, no one can guarantee that they will jump over the wall in a hurry and do anything.

Of course, if the Duanmu family accepts this proposal, they will naturally not be able to put all their focus on this so-called leader.

They should put more hope on the chance, or the search for the peach, although the chance is not great, but the chance is better than the final battle!

After all, after Duanmuxuan joined the Mu family, the youngest generation of Duanmu family, the strongest was only in the middle of Huayu realm.

And where is the Mu family?

They are bound to arrange that the child who takes the lead is the one with the strongest strength. Is that still the case?

Soon, both sides began to choose some suitable family children to enter the competition.

The Mu family quickly made up a hundred, of course, not all of them were elite children.

After all, the secret realm is extremely dangerous, even though the Mu family has some guidance left by the ancestors, it is difficult to ensure extreme safety.

If all were dead, the Mu Family's loss would be very heavy.

Looking at the Duanmu family, there are thousands of children. It is not difficult to find a hundred people, but only 50 or 60 people volunteered.

Even a lot of He Dao realm, and the few talented children of Huayu realm, were hesitating.

Seeing such a scene, Duan Mu Song and other elders secretly shook their heads.

The danger is now, they understand the choices of these children, just ask, who doesn't cherish their lives?

The Mu Family laughed and looked over. This is the purpose of Mu Ronghua's words just now, and the purpose is to let the Duanmu Family retreat.

To some extent, the fewer the children of the Duanmu family enter, the lower their winning rate.

Do they still have a chance?

In the end, there were only more than 60 people who volunteered to participate, and the strongest strength turned out to be the early stage of Huayu Realm.

In contrast, the Duanmu family is really shabby.

Duanmu Shilan's face was ashamed, and her heart was very lost.

And at this moment, a voice rang from Duanmu's side——

"I also participate."


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