Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4817: I also participate

Everyone followed their prestige, and said that this person turned out to be Xiao Yu!

Duanmu's family was shocked.

But Duanmu Shilan's delicate body trembled slightly, and immediately raised her head to look at Xiao Yu, her eyes began to flicker.

"Could he..."

Duan Mu Song and others looked at Xiao Yu inconceivably, and even Luo Feng next to him was dumbfounded.

"Brother Yu, how could you participate?" Luo Feng was stunned.

Xiao Yu stepped forward towards Duan Mu Song and the others. The cloud on his face was light and breezy. Even when everyone looked at Xiao Yu with surprised eyes, he didn't care at all.

As for the Mu Family, of course he also looked over.

"Who is this guy? He actually said he wanted to participate?"

"I haven't seen him, but he seems to have been behind."

"Huh? Isn't this a foreigner?"

The child who came to Shen Mu Valley with Mu Teng last time recognized Xiao Yu and frowned.

Mu Bai, Mu Teng, Murong Birch, Mu Ju, Mu Zi'an and others are all staring at this young man.

Of course, on the Mu Family's side, Duanmu Xianglin and Duanmuxuan were also looking at the figure, with doubts in their eyes.

But Xiao Yu's next sentence caused an uproar in the audience.

"Shilan is my wife and I am also a member of the Duanmu family, so I can participate."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Duan Mu Song and the others were all startled, and Duan Mu Shilan's face burned red, she lowered her head, her heartbeat accelerated.

He actually "admitted" that he was his husband!

Duanmu Shilan's heart was like a deer bumping into each other.

Although she knew that Xiao Yu was not her real husband, she was doing this to help her family.

But I don't know how, after hearing these words, Duan Mu Shilan couldn't help thinking about it.

After all, Xiao Yu can be said to be among the youngest in terms of talent and strength. If he could really be his husband, how much happiness would he have?

Just like that, Duan Mu Shilan felt short of breath.

Duan Mu Song certainly knew what Xiao Yu meant by saying this.

Because the competition between the two families requires the children of the two families to participate!

In the Coffin Continent, many children of the Duanmu family and the Mu family were married to foreigners, and these people can also be regarded as members of the Duanmu family or the Mu family.

In other words, as long as they are related to the Duanmu family and the Mu family, they can participate.

"Haha, funny." Mu Teng smiled softly.

The eyes of Mu Bai and others flickered in surprise.

They weren't fools. How could they not think of what Xiao Yu did for doing this?

Such a powerful and talented child from Cangling Academy can even resist the dullness of the wood. If they enter the secret realm on behalf of the Duanmu family, their chances of winning will naturally increase a lot.

But the Mu family was unable to refute.

After all, everyone said that he was Duanmu Shilan's husband, and he could be regarded as a member of the Duanmu family, so it was reasonable to participate.

It was only the appearance of Xiao Yu that made the Mu Family feel a sense of crisis.

Such a person who is not even afraid of Yuanpa Realm goes to the secret realm, who knows what storms will be caused?

But Mu Bai said calmly: "It's just a foreigner. If he insists on intervening, then kill him."

Mu Bo's tone was calm, but the murderous intent was harsh. The children who had been selected behind him had cold eyes, and some even showed a gesture of disdain.

Mu Longhua's eyes dazzled, and she also said, "You can just do as I said. If anyone stops you, kill it!"


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