Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4827: The secret of the sanctification of the flesh

One day later, all the spirits in the gourd had been swallowed by Snow White Ape, and most of its injuries had recovered, and Xiao Yu also woke up.

When Xiao Yu opened his eyes, Snow White Ape was looking at Xiao Yu with a hostile look, his scarlet eyes seemed to swallow Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was stared at like this, and his heart felt a little hairy.

"No one has come in here for decades, but generally only a few people have come in, and all died without exception. This time, why are so many of you coming in?" Snow White Ape asked.

Xiao Yu then recounted the Duanmu family and Mu family's affairs.

"The Mu Family?"

Snow White Ape sneered and said: "Thousands of years ago, the Duanmu family was not very strong at the time, but in order to grow the family, they took the Ebon Mountains as their own and hunted down many monsters. They are destroying the laws of heaven and earth. Will be punished."

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "But it's a pity that these people often live the longest lives and become stronger."

"So they are too hostile, the bloodline close to nature of the ancestors of the Duanmu family has been tainted, and they will never be able to live in this secret realm."

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and looked at Snow White Ape. There was something in the words!

"Senior, do you know this secret realm?" Xiao Yu asked.

This is what he has always wanted to ask just now.

Since Snow White Ape has been in it for thousands of years, he must know something.

Snow White Ape recalled, saying, "This is the space left by a strong man who has become sacred in flesh."

"The flesh becomes holy?" Xiao Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

The gods have reached the realm of death, and then see through the realm of super gods of the avenue of law.

And he also heard that the soul can transcend the mortal body and become holy.

This fleshly body becoming a god, is it the sanctification of the strong who cultivates the fleshly body?

Xue Bai shook his head and said, "I only heard of it before I came in."

It turned out that before Snow White Ape came in, there was already a legend in the previous life of the Coffin Continent, and there was a secret world left by a strong man who was physically sanctified.

Obviously, the snow white ape and his wife in front of them had hit and missed, and then broke into the secret realm.

Of course, before this, the ancestors of the Duanmu family had already obtained the entrance to the secret realm.

But Snow White Ape didn't know that it was right to believe so.

After all, monsters are very different from humans.

Regardless of the level of realm, or some of the exercises practiced.

"That senior's ice soul body...?" Xiao Yu asked.

The Body of Ice Soul is also a rare kind of spirit body, but the people of the Mu family seemed to have known the existence of Snow White Ape early in the morning, and found the trace of Snow White Ape the first day they entered.

Bai Xueyuan said coldly: "Thousands of years ago, I met a human being. At that time, I fought with him, but he ran away. These people must be his descendants."

Xiao Yu suddenly, he remembered, Mu Ronghua had said that his ancestors had entered this area before, and it must have been the news from Mu Ronghua who followed the ice body of Snow White Ape.

And at this moment, all of a sudden, only the sound of "boom" was heard, and the whole mountain wall trembles, and then all the caves are broken.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and Xue Bai ape directly rushed out of the ruins.

"Naughty animal!! Come out and die!!"

It's Muhe and them!


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