Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4828: Join forces with Snow White Ape

After Xiao Yu and Bai Xueyuan went out, they saw Mu He led fifteen people to kill again, and this time he led a familiar person, surprisingly Mu Guifeng.

Including Muhe and Nemu's side, there are two in the middle stage of the Yuyu realm, of which there are also two in the early stage of the Yuyu realm, and the others are all in the same way!

This kind of power is simply much stronger than the power of a dozen people they gathered just now!

"Boy, you are here!" Mu He's eyes were murderous.

Mu Guifeng looked at Xiao Yu's eyes very badly.

"You are their foreigner who takes the lead." Mu Guifeng said with a sneer.

Xiao Yu didn't speak, but the face of Snow White Ape next to him was already cold.

Mu He said: "No matter how much he is, he dare to stop us, then kill it! In short, we must get its beast!"

After all, Mu He's eyes showed a look of greed.

The body of ice soul is also a kind of spirit body.

The Snow White Ape’s body of ice is in its beast. Naturally, only by killing the Snow White ape can the body of ice be truly obtained.

However, Xiao Yu could feel that the aura of the Snow White Ape next to him had not yet recovered to its peak state.

If you join the battle again like this, it will be difficult to exert your maximum strength.

And there is one more thing, that is, the fifteen of them are more powerful, and Niaoyu can't help but feel tricky.

"Human, you leave here." Snow White Ape said in a deep voice, taking a step forward.

Obviously, it didn't want Xiao Yu to face them, but to face it alone.

Xiao Yu's complexion changed, and Bai Xueyuan's act like this has caused himself to kill himself!

Mu Guifeng stared at Xiao Yu and said, "People of the foreign race, you leave now quickly, otherwise we will kill you!"

They all knew the identity of Xiao Yu, the children of Cangling Academy, of course they would be a little taboo.

Of course, it doesn't take much effort to kill a guy in the early stage of the Harmony Realm.

This matter didn't involve him, Xiao Yu could actually leave, but he couldn't bear to leave Snow White Ape here, even though he had no friendship with Snow White Ape.

"Human, go!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Mu He and others, his eyes flickering with cold light, and said, "They are my enemies too."

Mu He's eyes sank, and his killing intent rose to say: "Kill them!"

Fifteen people immediately rushed forward, and the white snow ape roared and swept his arms.

"Boom boom boom!"

These more than a dozen people in the Mu family burst out powerful spiritual attacks one after another, and Xiao Yu continued to fight them with the speed of the body and speed of the Jinshi flash art.

Although Mu He and Mu Guifeng's main target was Snow White Ape, Xiao Yu also had two peaks of the Affinity Stage, and a person from the early stage of the Huayu Stage besieged them.

In an instant, after a few rounds, Xiao Yu was forced to retreat frequently, even if his spiritual power was profound.

"Boy, it seems that you are still quite powerful! Even in the early stage of the He Dao Stage, we can even stop our attack without dying."

The faces of these three people were surprised, and they were very surprised.

The ordinary early stage of the Awakening Realm, under the combined attack of the two peaks of the Awakening Realm, and one early stage of the Huayu Realm, it has long been unable to sustain it.

But it is incredible that this person can persist until now without getting hurt.

At the side, Snow White Ape also screamed one after another. It itself was wounded. Now it was besieged and killed by two in the middle stage of Transforming Feather Realm. There were also ten others in the Awakening Realm. Its injuries increased Up.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and as expected, in the secret realm, without strength, don't talk about chance at all.

Snow White Ape suddenly looked at Xiao Yu, and suddenly gritted his teeth and flew towards Xiao Yu.

Mu He and the others didn't care that Snow White Ape would run away, because in it, they could explore its cold breath with certain secret methods.

"Human, let go of your physical taboos, my ice soul is borrowed from you!!"


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