Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4829: Borrow the Heart of Ice Soul

Xiao Yu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Simply put, physical taboos are actually the same as letting go of the soul.

After the soul is released, the soul consciousness of the other party can enter his own soul, which is of course a very dangerous move.

Because if the other party has any evil intentions, then oneself is easily hurt.

And letting go of the physical body taboo is the same, allowing the other party to perform some secret methods involving the entire physical body.

Just like this ice soul body.

Xiao Yu suddenly understood that Snow White Ape was going to pass the Body of Ice Soul to himself temporarily so that he could fight better.

However, this powerful force of the ice attribute was originally adapted to the creatures with the ice attribute.

And Snow White Ape is still a monster beast!

How could one's own physical body bear this kind of energy?

And at this time, the long-lost voice of the Golden Winged Roc rang and said, "Boy, have you forgotten? You have the ice artifact spirit, and it must have sensed your artifact spirit. You only need to hold the device. The spirit protects your mind, so that the ice soul instills your body, and you are not afraid of hurting your heart."

Xiao Yu's eyes lit up.

Yes, it was the cold ice weapon spirit's induction that made Xiao Yu find Snow White Ape.

Xiao Yu immediately urged the Ice Artifact Spirit, and then protected his heart.

Although the weapon spirit can only show its function and power in the battle of weapons.

But this kind of spirit is different from the "main" spirit of the Seven Star Sword.

Like the Golden Winged Great Peng and Yang Yao, these are all acquired artifact spirits, and these powers have been fused with Xiao Yu's consciousness.

The Ice Tool Spirit also seemed to feel the master's call, and immediately instilled Xiao Yu's internal organs and heart veins from the Seven Star Sword.

Xiao Yu felt a cold breath all over his body.

There are so many attributes and powers in the world. If Xiao Yu hadn't adapted to the Ice Tool Spirit, maybe the moment he was just now was enough to make his mind freeze.

In fact, Snow White Ape actually sensed that Xiao Yu had an attribute power related to cold ice.

At this time, after Xiao Yu protected his heart, he let go of his courage even more.

Bai Xueyuan shook out with a punch, temporarily repelling Mu He and Mu Guifeng's offensive, and then clutched his chest.

The blue light flickered, and a ball of light was pulled out by it from its heart.

In an instant, within a kilometer range, an icy atmosphere immediately appeared, and all the vegetation was completely frozen.

The icy and snowy world made everyone feel trembling.

"The Heart of Ice Soul!"

The eyes of Mu He, Mu Guifeng and others were fiery, but their complexions changed quickly.

What is it going to do?

I saw Snow White Ape holding the Heart of Ice Soul in his hand and immediately pushed it in Xiao Yu's direction.

"No, it wants to send the Heart of Ice Soul to that kid!" Mu He was taken aback.

There is only Snow White Ape and a young man. If it is not sent to the latter, to whom?

Mu He Yinfang bites angrily, they are desperately desperate for this ice soul, how can they easily give it to others?

Thinking of this, Mu He just rushed forward, he was bound to **** this thing back.

But just as he rushed out, Snow White Ape's scarlet eyes flashed with blood, and he slapped the puppet with one palm.

Mu He was taken aback, and quickly blocked it with his sword, but at this moment, the heart of the ice soul had already reached Xiao Yu.

"Quick! I can't let him absorb it!!" Mu He shouted.


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