Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4839: Natural Magic Killing Array

Xiao Yu also coincidentally raised his head to look at the night.

But it seems that the moon is not full yet.

According to what Bai Xueyuan said, three days later, today is the thinnest day of fog, and this full moon night may be the time when the fog is thin.

It's a pity that the Mu family's kid just couldn't help suppressing greed in his heart, and he forgot everything when he saw the so-called chance.

Xiao Yu couldn't help feeling sad.

The most difficult thing to control is inner greed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to wait.

Time passed, and when the moonlight in the night sky began to thicken, suddenly all the fog began to thin out, and finally disappeared.

A colorful halo appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but moved.

What kind of fairy family picture is this?

The colorful halo, like auspicious rain from the sky, flooded the lake surface.

It's like being in a dreamlike dreamland, which makes people feel so unreal.

Even standing by the lake, you can feel the ethereal feeling of the whole lake.

This is the true face of Seven Color Fairy Lake!

If obscurity is a kind of beauty, then this beauty that fades away from obscurity is the most real and the most illusory.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. He didn't give a glance like others, immersed in the colorful fairy lake.

Because he knows too well that some seemingly weird things may contain unimaginable dangers.

For the same reason, some of the glamorous backgrounds may also be murderous.

"Look!" Then someone exclaimed.

Only one thousand meters away from the front of a colorful halo, there was a tree vaguely in between.

The distance is too far, everyone is not too clear, but above the "small tree", there is a strange light shining.

Is that the legendary ginseng peach?

No one knew, all they knew was that their heart seemed to be pulled by a hand, and couldn't help but beat.

The feeling is like pulling them forward.

Finally, two more people couldn't help it, and they just rushed in.

Things of this kind of opportunity are first come first served!

If your hands are slow, then there will be nothing.

And when these two people were heading forward one after another, a strange scene appeared. For some reason, their figures stopped suddenly, and they looked around in horror.

Then, their pupils shrank, motionless, and immediately fell into the lake with a "puff", and then they disappeared.

The expressions of the people present changed when they saw this. What happened just now?

Someone yelled and said, "Just now they...could it be that they were hit by the illusion?"

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, yes, he thought about it too.

The two of them were indeed hit by the phantom array just now.

The formation method works in human consciousness, this fairy lake is a natural fantasy killing formation!

Just as spectators, they haven't stepped into this formation yet, so of course they couldn't see what illusion formation was among the two.

Of course, even if they stepped in, they might not be able to see what the illusion of the two was.

After all, I don't know if this phantom array is a group or a single one.

However, according to Xiao Yu's understanding of the formation method, most of this natural fantasy killing formation is of a single type.

That is, a person is a magical world!

At this moment, everyone hesitated. Should we go in?

And at this moment, a voice sounded--

"This is a single phantom array, and a single person cannot enter it."


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