Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4840: Union Crossing Lake

Everyone turned and looked, a young man with a sword eyebrow star led the three of them and walked over.

"Brother Muguan!"

This young man named Wooden Crown is one of the best in the Mu Family's hundreds of children who participated in the secret round, the late stage of the Huayu Realm!

"It turned out to be a wooden crown?"

"He actually came. It is said that his spiritual power cultivation base ranks among the top ten in the clan, but with his formation technique cultivation base, it is harder to help him than the peak of the Huayu Realm!"

The three children of the Duanmu family began to whisper.

This wooden crown is double repaired!

Xiao Yu's eyes fell on the young man.

The latter had an aura like an abyss.

This kind of breath is like the vast ocean, but it is restrained like a river, giving people a sense of tranquility.

Soul practitioners are good at hiding and controlling their breath.

As for the same soul cultivator, Xiao Yu of course could clearly feel the fluctuation of the soul aura on this person called Wooden Crown.

And it's still double cultivation, isn't it the same as yourself?

However, the appearance of the wooden crown obviously surprised those Mu family children.

"Brother Muguan, do you have a way?"

Since it was a natural phantom killing formation, and the wooden crown was double repaired, there might be a way.

In it, although they are all members of the same family, they are also competitors.

So of course they also have other thoughts.

Mu Guan had already known this and said calmly: "I have a way to cross the Fairy Lake together, but let me explain first that Shentao belongs to me."

Whether it was a child of the family or not, Mu Guan first expressed his thoughts.

And his idea, of course, was to change the complexion of these family children, and they looked at each other with a look of embarrassment.

After all, Shentao is such a god, who doesn't want it?

One of the young people who came with the wooden crown snorted coldly, and said: "The ginseng peach is a fruit once every ten thousand years, and it is given to you. I am afraid that it will be taken back by the elders sooner or later. And such energy is in your hands. Kind of waste."

Another person also said: "However, it is better to assist Big Brother Wooden Crown. Then we can give you some miraculous medicine to assist you in your cultivation. Isn't it better?"

No matter in any family, there are groups.

The wooden crown is double repaired and has high strength. Naturally, many people in the clan are willing to flatter him.

The children of the Mu family suddenly hesitated.

In fact, their strength is not low, they also have a combined Dao realm, and even two of them have the cultivation base of the Huayu realm.

However, it is almost impossible to obtain ginseng peaches by one's own strength.

Turning over the wooden crown, a spirit pill appeared immediately, saying: "This one in my hand is a six-patterned earth spirit pill. I have several more. If you are with me, I will give it to you."

The six-stripe earth spirit pill is already the best spirit pill absorbed by the Huayu Realm!

This wooden crown is really generous!

The eyes of some Mu family children lit up.

Although they are also elite children in the clan, they still have to work very hard if they want such a high-level spirit pill.

Now there is a pill for a little effort, why would they not do it?

"Okay! I promise!"

"I am also willing to help Big Brother Mu Guan!"

Soon, seven people joined their team, all of whom were in the middle and late stages of the Awakening Realm, or even the early stage of the Huayu Realm.

As for the three children of the Duanmu family and Xiao Yu, Mu Guan didn't even look at it.

However, Xiao Yu was also curious as to what could be done with this wooden crown.

After all, this single-type phantom killing array, under normal circumstances, even if the group enters, it is equivalent to separating.

But after a while, the wooden crown began to urge the power of the soul to condense the seal.


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