Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4843: Fairy Lake Fantasyland

After Xiao Yu took a step, the power of the soul began to gather on the soles of his feet.

His whole body fell on the water so slowly, and a little ripple began to drift towards the surroundings.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to cross these water-like lakes, you need to be prompted by some secret method, or fly directly into the air.

The first two people just borrowed their body speed to cross the lake quickly.

And now, what Xiao Yu used was the power of the soul.

The power of his soul is running under his feet, and the whole person looks like a feather.

Seeing this scene, Mu Guan narrowed his eyes and said in his heart: "It turns out to be a soul cultivator."

Xiao Yu's way of crossing the lake, in fact, he also thought about it, but because after entering the illusion, he will still be weak, so it is difficult to use it.

That's why he had to borrow other powers to cross the lake, but unfortunately, he failed.

After experiencing the illusion of the lake, he knew what kind of scene it was. Of course he planned to enter it for the second time.

But he wasn't in a hurry. He was watching the changes for the time being to see what this kid from the Cangling Academy could do.

And at this moment, the space around Xiao Yu changed, and he entered a magical formation!

After he looked around, he himself was in the center of the lake!

The scenery and people on the shore disappeared completely.

However, Xiao Yu's attainments are obviously very deep in the study of the magic array.

The illusion is a kind of illusion, which makes people confused.

Now the entire phantom array itself is the center, if it can't be cracked, then it can only stand still.

Suddenly, at this moment, the colorful lake surface began to fluctuate, and then a colorful light full of light turned into a stream of light, swept out in the air, and hit Xiao Yu directly.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he slapped out with a palm, his palm expelled, and the colorful rays of light had already dissipated.

But immediately afterwards, three colorful rays of light jumped out from the colorful fairy lake one after another, and then they were also shattered by Xiao Yu's three palms.

The colorful rays of light in these fairy lakes are actually not too powerful, and it can be said that it does not require much effort.

At the same time, the surrounding fairy lake looked very peaceful, without the feeling of murderous intent.

Xiao Yu just waited quietly. He hadn't understood this phantom killing formation, so he didn't dare to move forward rashly.

Because in the phantom array, all the visual senses are true or false, which cannot be completely believed.

Even if he feels that he is moving forward in the illusion, in reality, he is still on the ground.

This requires insight into this phantom array before being able to control the body, otherwise it will always be in this maze.

Of course, once you have entered this illusion, it is actually a bit difficult to withdraw.

Suddenly, the entire fairy lake began to become quiet, the colorful rays of light also dissipated, and then turned into a lake like a mirror surface.

When Xiao Yu looked down, he could see exactly the same shadow of himself.

Mirror the lake?

Just as Xiao Yu was strange, suddenly the reflection in the mirror lake suddenly began to solidify, and that mirror image immediately stood in front of Xiao Yu!

Xiao Yu was surprised, this mirror image was exactly the same as himself!

And that kind of breath on his body is almost the same as himself.

"Xiao Yu, long time no see."

This mirror image has opened up!

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank slightly.


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