Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4844: Mirror Xiao Yu

"Who are you?" Xiao Yu asked, staring at the "self" ahead.

"Who am I? You should ask yourself this." Xiao Yu said indifferently.

I don't know why, looking at this mirror image of himself, Xiao Yu felt a trance.

Obviously it looks exactly the same as myself, even the same breath, but it feels so strange to myself.

However, Xiao Yu was always sensible, because he was an array mage and a soul cultivator. He knew that this was a phantom killing array, and all this was just an illusion.

"This is an illusion. You are just a projection in my heart. Leave." Xiao Yu said.

"Oh? Really? Don't you still know?" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

"What do you know?" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

Mirror image Xiao Yu carried his hands on his back and said: "You have come here, I think you have done well enough, but you don't know that, in fact, you are already very tired."

After Xiao Yu finished talking like this, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that there was a big hand around him wrapping himself.

Mirror image Xiao Yu turned around and waved his hand, and there was a fluffy cloud behind Xiao Yu.

Immediately afterwards, the mirror image Xiao Yu pushed his hand slightly, and Xiao Yu was lying on the cloud.

The feeling of being surrounded by clouds made Xiao Yu relax every part of his body.

He had never felt so relaxed, as if he didn't care about anything.

This was something he had never thought of before.

"So comfortable..." Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes slightly.

The mirror image of Xiao Yu’s hypnotic voice sounded, and said: "In a few years, you have come here from a lower plane, looking for the truth, pursuing the woman you love, strengthening your strength, and constantly fighting with people. I know, you really tired."

With that said, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that it really seemed like this.

He didn't relax for a moment, because he knew that it was not the time yet, and he couldn't relax now.

Because he has too many things to do, too many things waiting for him to do.

But at this moment, he never felt tired.

"You have done well enough, do you still want to live this life of fighting and killing? I know you don't want it deep in your heart."

"Tell me, you don't really like fighting, don't you?"

"Yes." Xiao Yu replied.

He was really tired of it.

Big and small wars, even after some life and death battles, Xiao Yu came alive.

It can be said that he has been struggling on the edge of life and death many times. To some extent, it is a fluke.

But how long can this fluke last?

Mirror image Xiao Yu spoke again, saying: "I know your goal is very ambitious, but you also know that you need to spend more time and work harder than ordinary people."

"You have to cross the Hedao Realm, Huayu Realm, Yuan Soul Realm, and even the realm of Tibetan Dao, etc."

"The seventy-two great celestial planes, you know that your current cultivation level can't even reach the middle level, and you know even better that there are stronger and higher levels in areas you don't know and haven't touched Planes, even plane hunters, they can kill you at will, and you have no resistance at all."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu trembled all over, as if the flames suddenly began to annihilate, and the originally very strong belief in his heart began to shake.

"Yeah, I can't help myself..."


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