Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4866: Trespass

Xiao Yu slowly walked towards the front, and soon someone noticed Xiao Yu.

"It's you!" Mu He's pupils shrank and his eyes were about to split.

He remembered too clearly how Xiao Yu killed their children.

I'm afraid he can't wait to tear Xiao Yu to pieces.

The look in Wooden Crown's eyes even revealed a touch of coldness.

This person is a Array Master, and also a double cultivation.

As a cultivator of dual cultivation, Mu Guan knew very well that he should calmly deal with this enemy.

And Mu Yun narrowed his eyes, looked up and down the young man, and sneered: "You are the kid."

Xiao Yu didn't care about it. He stepped out in one step, and the Jinshi flash technique burst out, and his figure turned into a golden light and rushed into the deep jungle.

Mu Yun felt that he had been ignored, and his face was very ugly.

But the faces of other people changed drastically.

"Fast speed!" Mu He and Mu Guan couldn't help squinting their eyes.

At the speed just now, if there is no Yuyu Stage, you can't see it at all!

"Humph! The side door left." Mu He snorted coldly.

He knew that Xiao Yu had borrowed Snow White Ape's soul of ice, so he had this kind of power, but he didn't care at all.

Because he knows very well that the heart of the ice soul is not completely integrated with the body after all, as long as the energy is exhausted, it will be exposed.

Mu Yun's eyes were cold. Someone entered, and the others could no longer hold back.

"No hurry, he doesn't have a secret method. It is impossible to get a chance by himself. Let me see what he can do!" Mu Yun's eyes showed disdain.

After entering the deep jungle, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a lifeless invasion.

That kind of lifeless spirit is also with a killing intent in the ancient times, and it is crushed like a mountain.

"These life-death auras should have been left behind by those strong men who have been dead for many years, and then formed a kind of resentment." Xiao Yu said secretly in his heart.

When that saint's body descended on this continent, countless powerful men tried to pry into the mystery of this body's sanctification.

But since it is the body of the saint, how could it be so easy to be spied on?

In addition, there are many messy people, mixed dragons and snakes, but there is only one body, and naturally a kind of melee will be formed.

And that incarnate saint also has inferior consciousness in his body, how could it be easy for people to get his own flesh?

You must know that whether it is the **** or the saint in the flesh, they have spent their entire lives fighting against the sky, fighting against the sky and fighting with the earth, and finally experienced countless calamities before they can see through the laws of the world.

Even though it is so difficult, how can future generations get it easily?

According to what Bai Xueyuan said, Xiao Yu immediately urged Shentao.

Only a kind of rich and extreme life force began to form a light on Xiao Yu's body.

His whole person is like a figure exuding light balls.

In the scene of Jiandong, many people frowned. The light group figure had already entered for several breaths, and the light spot was getting shallower and lighter, disappearing from their sight.

"That's Shentao!" Mu Guan's eyes were cold.

He thought he could get it, but he didn't expect to be given the first step by the person.

Mu Yun calmly said: "It's okay, although Shentao is one of our ways to get inside, but the elders have already explained that with the strength of all of us, even the Yuanpa Realm cannot fly out of our palms!"


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