Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4867: Rank forty-three, Nether Leopard!

Along the way, Xiao Yu saw that there were many corpses on the ground, humans, monsters, and although they did not pile up like the sea, they still felt a deep chill around them.

If it weren't for the existence of Shentao, such a ten-year-old spirit fruit, Xiao Yu would never have gone in so easily.

The distance of thousands of meters was quickly traversed by him.

It's like a grave here!

"Sure enough, if I disperse the ginseng peaches, not only will I be eroded by the death aura, but my breath will even attract the fierce beast inside. As expected, there is no Primal Soul Realm, and I will die from nine deaths when I enter." Xiao Yu secretly said.

After all, the ginseng peach is the spiritual fruit of heaven and earth, and it is the anger that grows out of this secret realm, and all will have a homogenous aura.

On the contrary, if there was an alien invasion, the danger would have come long ago.

"The strongest of them is close to the Yuan Soul Realm, but they dare to step forward. Apart from the risky element, there must be other secret techniques to protect them." Xiao Yu couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

The Mu Family's city house is terrifying.

They knew that the secret realm was extremely dangerous, but in order to get the chance, they arranged the third round.

Then they had arranged for many talented children to come in.

But they also knew that they couldn't get the strongest talented children inside, because if there was any danger, the Mu Family would suffer a great loss.

So they took the second place, headed by Mu Yun, the peak of the Huayu Stage.

Because even if they sacrificed them, the Mu family would not feel too distressed.

Of course, the Mu Family didn't have to send them to death, because they had arranged many secret techniques to protect them.

This is the two-handed preparation of the Mu Family, and leaves a lot of room for the descendants of their own family.

Of course, the courage of these Mu family children is also commendable.

In contrast, the Duanmu family has declined to such a point, no matter which aspect, it can not be compared with the Mu family.

But Xiao Yu was not afraid of the number of people in the Mu family, and no matter how many people came, as long as he dared to prevent him from gaining this opportunity, he would kill him without hesitation.

Because, apart from the fundamental purpose of coming to the Coffin Continent-Burning Fire, what he needs most urgently now is the mortal body of this saint!

After rushing for half an hour, Xiao Yu discovered the vastness of this fierce land.

"It's horrible to attract so many powerful people to fight with just one physical body."

There were still a lot of corpses on the ground, which made Xiao Yu admire this powerful man who had become a saint in flesh.


At this moment, there was a loud roar from the front.

"Finally found it."

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed. Although she had the help of Shentao, it made herself less of the troubles of resisting death, but it must be a human breath, and some powerful and fierce beasts can still be spied.

But a purple ray of light rushed over. It was a leopard monster with a dark purple light all over it.

The leopard monster was ten meters in size, and the extremely fierce aura enveloped it, and the woods with a radius of one thousand meters seemed to tremble.

"Nether Leopard, the descendant of the fierce beast in the land of purgatory in the legend, ranked forty-three!"

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed. No wonder Snow White Ape would be afraid of it. This random monster is stronger than Snow White Ape ranked No. 56!


The Nether Leopard's eyes glowed with a scarlet light, and its breath began to soar, and the sound shook the entire jungle, and then it rushed over.

"Good job!"


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