Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4902: survivor

At this time, outside the secret realm, everyone in the Duanmu family and Mu family was waiting quietly.

More than 20 days have passed, according to the time agreement, one month.

Within a month, the secret realm must be closed.

In more than 20 days, no one actually chose it.

After all, no one wants to stay in it longer, because the longer the time, the greater the chance of opportunity.

Of course, if someone can't bear it, they can crush the space jade slip.

On this day, a dozen people suddenly crushed the space jade slip and came out.

Some fluctuations in the sky began to vibrate, and then someone appeared in the back mountain.

The whole audience was shaking.


"It's Afeng and the others!"

Certain children of the Duanmu family suddenly exclaimed.

The people on the Mu family didn't agree.

In their view, the ones who came out first were of course those who were not capable.

Otherwise, the powerful are all robbing opportunities inside, how could they come out so quickly, after all, there are still days before the time limit.

"Afeng, how is it?" Duanmu Donglu asked quickly.

Although the Duanmufeng gang are not the most powerful children, they must be able to stay here.

However, the faces of Duanmufeng and others didn't seem to be too happy. They all smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Duan Mufeng said: "Elder, it's too dangerous inside, we have to withdraw."

Duanmu Donglu frowned. In fact, they were most concerned about Xiao Yu.

Although Xiao Yu said that his strength was not the strongest, in their opinion, the background of this young man was really terrifying.

It was so terrible that they couldn't understand it at all.

And when Duanmufeng said this, these children couldn't help taking a breath in an instant.

They were all on the outskirts of the fierce land at the time, and they did not enter.

But after Mu Yun who entered and waited for others to enter, there were successive roars of monsters and beasts, and then there was a vibration that almost destroyed the world.

Especially, the situation where the entire secret realm was shaken, made them feel like the end of the world.

They didn't have the courage to enter the place of great evil, but they still knew whether they wanted their lives.

Therefore, after a trace of space cracks appeared, they finally decided to crush the space jade slip.

"What happened inside!?" Duanmu Donglu was the most grumpy and asked quickly.

Duanmu Shilan also quickly asked, "Where is Xiao Yu? Have you met him?"

When it comes to Xiao Yu, Duan Mufeng and others' faces changed.

"He... he has entered the land of great fierceness." A Duanmu family's child trembled and said.

In an instant, everyone's eyes looked over.

Even the eyes of the people on the Mu family's side were cast over.

Of course they knew what it was, the place of great treacherousness, that was the place where the chance was last!

Mu Ronghua's eyes sneered, and she sneered: "Is it a place of great evil? What a pity, the chance must be ours."

Mu Bai and others nodded slightly.

They had already figured out a solution for Mu Yun and the others. Yes, it was burning blood and swallowing spirit pills. In this way, they who had reached the cultivation base of the Yuan soul realm would definitely go all out.

But who knows, that Duanmu family took a deep breath and said: "He got Shentao."


Everyone in the audience was taken aback, and the expressions of the Mu family changed.


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