Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4903: All killed by him

Shentao is one of the criteria for the third round of assessment.

Because the opportunity of the entire secret realm is the most difficult, and no one can obtain it for so many years.

Therefore, obtaining ginseng peach is the second criterion.

Duanmu Donglu and the others showed joy.

If this is the case, then their chances are of course even greater!

"Huh! Santao, there is one last chance, maybe whoever will be the winner." Mu Ju said with a sneer.

Mu Bai's face was inconvenient, and Mu Ronghua's eyes were mocking.

In their view, does the final result matter?

It may be important, but everything is just under their control.

Duanmu Shilan sighed with relief, at least in her opinion, Xiao Yu had lived to the end.

"What else did you see?" Duan Mu Shilan asked.

Duanmufeng and other children shook their heads.

Because they didn't know what happened inside, just because it was too dangerous.

Successively, many children were sent out. There were more than a dozen people, but they were all children of the Duanmu family.

These children finally came out after feeling the instability of the secret realm in other places.

At the same time, Duan Mu Song couldn't help but cast a suspicious look at Mu Family.

Why didn't the Mu family's children teleported out?

Looking at the faces of Mu Ronghua and others, they didn't even feel anxious at all.

"What are they doing?"

How do they know that the Mu Family is not playing any tricks, but the children they select, all arranged by them.

Even where there are fairy lakes, where there are traces of snow white apes, where there are some heaven and earth elixir, and even landmarks in the place of great evil, they all told them one by one before the assessment.

Of course, there is also the force of urging blood under compelling circumstances, and it is their plan to do whatever it takes to get the chance.

For this opportunity, they can be described as painstakingly.

Of course, the Mu family knew that things like chance were not 100% successful. The reason why they acted to be calm is because they didn't have much confidence in chance.

They know all too well, how much chance can a trivial child get a chance that even their ancestors could not get?

Of course it is very small.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, they have a way to deal with it.

The reason for the third round is just to fight for that little opportunity, and it can also make the Duanmu family give up.

But the faces of the people on the Duanmu family's side also became heavy.

Yes, it is a good thing to have children come out, at least it proves that they are alive, but what about those who didn't come out?

There is no doubt that it is already dead inside.

According to what these children said, no one would be in it anymore, no matter how violently the spatial secret realm was shaking.

If it doesn’t come out, isn’t it already dead?

Of one hundred people, only twenty are left. What is this concept?

After a few hours, the fluctuations in the space spread over again.

Everyone's attention became tense, and there were more than a dozen Mu family children on the spot.

These Mu family children seemed to have seen something terrifying, their pupils were all shrunk to the size of a pinhole, and each of them was scared to the loss of the three souls and seven souls.

When the Mu Family saw them coming out, their faces changed.

Among them, among these people, there is Duanmuxuan.

There is no doubt that among these people, Duan Muxuan is the strongest.

"Duanmuxuan, what's going on inside?" When Mu Ronghua saw the pale faces of these children, she seemed to realize that it was not good.

On the other hand, they also knew that Duanmuxuan and the others had come out, what about Mu Yun and the others?

Duanmuxuan's face was extremely pale, and even his legs were shaking with fright.

He murmured: "Dead...all dead...all killed by him!"


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