Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4909: Eucharist!

The first light that lit up was milky white, and it was Xiao Yu's soul.

The second light was golden, it was King Wu Ming's heart.

The third light illuminates, like flowing water, flowing throughout the body, this is the power of Shura.

The power of dragon, the power of Buddha, the power of Zilin...

When the light of different colors began to flicker from the power of the green wood, an unprecedented vitality began to emerge spontaneously.

Xiao Yu's originally dissipated consciousness started a kind of recovery!

Yes, under the desperate request for money, Xiao Yu's consciousness recovered. In other words, he finally survived nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine destruction!

Xiao Yu only felt that his consciousness had entered a kind of emptiness and spiritual realm of previous actions.

He took a deep breath, and the strength of the surrounding green wood was absorbed into his body.

I saw that Xiao Yu's entire physical body was nourished by the terrifying green wood power and was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Every inch of his skin, every bone, every bloodline is beginning to be reshaped.


What is incomprehensible between the Greenwood Saint Body and other physical bodies is that, except for important sources of cultivation such as soul blood and heart, everything else in Xiao Yu is shaped by the power of Greenwood.

Or to put it this way, at this time his entire body is the power of Greenwood.

"Ning!" Xiao Yu shouted loudly and uttered a word.

The physical body that had already begun to take shape was like a storm, madly absorbing the power of the green wood around.

Jiang Hai smiled, and the green wood power that seemed to surge from his body began to swarm into Xiao Yu's body.

Xiao Yu's body finally began to condense under the brewing of these green wood powers.

Pieces of flesh and blood, skin, facial features, and hair on each side did not dissipate until Xiao Yu condensed into a figure naked.

Xiao Yu's face had changed a lot.

The long hair of the shawl, coupled with the original handsome face, is now as handsome as a crown jade.

Every time his skin is like the most delicate jade.

At the same time, his muscle lines are distinct, and the ratio of the golden section makes it look like a visual beauty in it.

Xiao Yu's appearance hasn't changed much, but it has become like a heavenly person walking out of the portrait.

The body, appearance, and temperament all seemed to be the most ingeniously crafted in the Nine Heavens World.

"Is this the Aoki Eucharist?"

Xiao Yu's face was full of joy. He looked at his already very different hands, feet, and body skin, and he couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

He felt that his entire body was full of surging power.

In any case, he couldn't think that his physical body would get such a change through such inheritance.

I saw that his eyes were as deep as stars, as if the gods descended to the earth.

At the same time, he seemed to be able to see his delicate baby-like skin, as well as the power of the green wood flowing with the color of green wood.

At this time, Jiang Hai came over, looked at Xiao Yu with a surprised face, and smiled: "Congratulations, I passed the inheritance of my Aoki Eucharist."

Xiao Yu only reacted at this moment, changed his clothes, and hugged his fists towards Jiang Hai.

"Thank you senior."

"Don't thank me first, you just entered the entry of Aoki Eucharist, and it's the first step. Only after the second step, your Aoki Eucharist will be perfect." Jiang Hai said.

Xiao Yu suppressed the joy in his heart and asked, "Dare to ask senior, what is the second step?"

"Aoki clone."


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