Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4910: Affinity with the power of Aoki

Unconsciously, Xiao Yu's heartbeat began to accelerate.

The Aoki clone, this is the magical power he most wants to obtain after hearing the words of Snow White Monkey!

Because of the Aoki clone, he can separate a real conscious body, and then he can practice other exercises independently!

For his own strength, this is bound to increase his cultivation speed to some extent.

What he needs most now is to improve his strength.

Jiang Hai seemed to see Xiao Yu's excitement, and said, "I finally know why your will is so strong."

Xiao Yu didn't say a word, it was good not to press his body too much, but to a certain extent, it would really distract his time and attention.

"It seems that an Aoki clone should not satisfy you." Jiang Hai said again.

Xiao Yu nodded his head inconspicuously, looked at Jiang Hai with some fiery eyes, and said, "I don't know how many Aoki clones can be gathered by the Aoki Saint Body of Senior."

Jiang Hai proudly said: "In theory, seven can be gathered."


Xiao Yu was shocked instantly.

What is the concept?

"Each one has an independent consciousness and cultivates alone, is it no different from the body?" Xiao Yu asked again.

"Yes, but each one will obey the body." Jiang Hai said lightly.

Xiao Yu could already feel his heartbeat speeding up.

This is how many times more powerful than the so-called Muzhi clone that he cultivated in the lower planes!

The wood clone is a clone of the power of the soul, and has no independent consciousness, and the most powerful is only 80% of the body's attack power.

It looks like a very powerful Muzhi clone, but it is not worth mentioning when placed in places such as higher planes, compared with the power of other ranks, etc.

Jiang Haidao: "Although I created the Aoki Saint Body, I only condensed one Aoki clone back then, because I only practiced the ‘Aoki Sacred Art’ and there were no other techniques. The reason for consolidating one was to help me protect the law from time to time."

Xiao Yu nodded. At first he thought it was due to some reason, or difficulty in cultivation, or some kind of opportunity, etc. It seemed that he had completely underestimated these powerful people.

It is true if you think about it carefully.

Those who are awakened with the purest wood attribute **** pattern like Jiang Hai naturally don't need other cultivation techniques, and only need to concentrate on cultivating their own wood **** pattern.

"Well, you don't need to think so long. It takes a great opportunity to gather an Aoki clone. Because you are gathering for the first time, you need to have a high enough affinity for my Aoki power to be able to gather."

"Affinity?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised, this was the first time he had heard of it.

"Yes, what I cultivated with my Aoki Sacred Art is the power of the Aoki, which is a higher level power than the power of the wood attribute. It can be said that the power of the Aoki is unique in the Nine Heavens World.

Speaking of this, Jiang Hai looked a little proud, and then he said: "Although you have not cultivated the Aoki Sacred Art, you have been washed by the power of Aoki, and you have survived nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine physical temperings with me. The reshaping of the power of Aoki, coupled with the fact that you are an innate life spirit body, your success rate will be higher. Of course, this is not absolute."

Xiao Yu seemed to be unable to restrain himself, but he still asked: "Senior said that this is the second level, is there a danger of failure?"

"Yes," Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Yu, saying every word, "When the affinity between you and the power of Aoki is not enough, they will deprive you of all the power of Aoki."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu couldn't help but move.

"meaning is……"

"It means it will destroy your physical body."

Xiao Yu held his breath instantly.


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