Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4918: Duanmuting's decision to die

Mu Tianhong stood one step forward, and he had already begun to force the palace, and everyone in the Duanmu family's complexion changed wildly.

Under such oppression like Tianwei, Duan Mu Song, as the Great Elder, couldn't help but suffocate.

Although he, as the Yuan soul realm, is also the strongest existence in the family besides Duanmu Ting, he has to bow his head slightly in the face of such a momentum.


At this time, with a sigh, Duan Muting finally stood up.

Every time he took a step, that astonishing momentum rose up like a vast ocean, forcibly contending with Mu Tianhong.


The two auras finally turned into a ripple and disappeared.

When Luo Feng in the crowd saw this scene, his neck shrank, and he quietly walked into the crowd for fear of spreading to himself.

"Duanmuting has stood up, this battle is inevitable." Luo Feng muttered.

"Brother Yu, you have to come out earlier. If you don't come out, I will leave first."

After all, this level of battle is really terrifying, and Luo Feng knows very well that this is almost the level of battle of the main peak children.

"Duan Mu Ting, what do you mean by standing up?" Mu Tianhong glanced at Duan Mu Ting lightly.

Duan Muting whispered: "I'll fight you. If you beat me, then we will withdraw from Shenmu Valley and hand over what you want, how about?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the Duanmu family members were taken aback.

They originally thought that the worst result would be a dead fish and a broken net. They really had to contend. Duanmu Ting still had a shock valley formation on his body, and he might not be afraid of the Mu Family.

"Patriarch!" Duanmu Donglu gritted his teeth and shouted.

Many people in the Duanmu family do not understand why Duanmuting did this.

Because they are ready to die in battle!

In any case, guard the last line of defense of the family!

But Duanmu Ting made such a decision!

Duanmu Shilan's pretty face paled in the crowd, she seemed to think of something, her face was full of dead gray.

And how smart Duanmu Song is, as soon as Duanmuting said this, he already understood Duanmuting's thoughts.

Duanmu Ting has to pay the price of life and protect Shenmu Valley!

The elders in some races suddenly woke up, all with a kind of sadness.

"Patriarch, you don't have to bear it alone! Because the family is ours!"

"Yes! We want to advance and retreat together with the Patriarch!"

"Go forward and retreat together!"

Duan Muting felt warmth in his heart when he heard this row of mountains and seas, but his face was firm, shook his head, and said: "I have decided, you don't need to say more."

The children of the Duanmu family know very well that Duanmu Ting is the master of the family, and he has the absolute right to make any decision.

Moreover, this decision is to protect the lives of all of them!

Mu Tianhong looked at Duanmuting with interest and said, "Duanmuting, did you really decide that way?"

Duan Muting nodded, staring at Mu Tianhong, and said: "If you accept, I want you to swear to your ancestors. If you break the oath, then you will be thunderous and you will never live forever!"

After all, Duanmuting's eyes drenched, full of a kind of homelessness and determination.

This kind of determination made Mu Tianhong's eyes narrowed.

Everyone in the Mu family looked coldly.

Both of them are in the realm of Tibetan Dao, but Mu Tianhong has to enter the realm of Tibetan Dao first, which can be said to be slightly better than Duanmu Ting.

The result of Duan Muting's doing this is also expected.

But they also knew that Duanmu Ting had this decision, so it must be a ruin.

"What if you lose?" Mu Tianhong asked, narrowing his eyes.

"In case I lose, then you have to treat them kindly, because they also have the same blood as you!" Duan Muting said word by word.

When he said this, almost everyone in Duanmu's family shed tears.

Duanmu Ting is confessing what happened behind him!

"Father..." Duanmu Shilan burst into tears and couldn't help crying.

"Hahaha! Well, I promise you!"


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