Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4919: Beginning of the Eucharist

In the second world space.

I saw three figures of Xiao Yu sitting cross-legged.

If you take a closer look, the figures of these three Xiao Yu are exactly the same!

The only difference is that the auras of these three figures are all different.

The figure on the far left, when viewed from the outside, has traces of cyan and golden air currents lingering around the flesh, and the breath is full of a powerful force of blood and energy.

The so-called qi and blood are born in the flesh and burst out from the inside out.

This "Xiao Yu" has a strong physical power like a volcano about to erupt, which is terrifying.

Naturally, this is the physical body for cultivating the Aoki Saint Body and Zhenlong Pillar.

The "Xiao Yu" on the far right has a completely different breath.

As long as you are within the range of three feet, you can feel the heavy and domineering Dao, even with a hint of darkness, giving people an unfathomable taste.

This body is naturally the power of martial arts and the body of Buddha and Heiyan.

As for the flesh body in the middle, the traces of **** aura wandering around Xiao Yu's body, his whole body looked like an old monk entering the concentration, his aura was very calm.

Occasionally, a very strange aura fluctuation can be sensed, which is the fluctuation of the power of the soul.

That's right, this physical body is naturally Xiao Yu's body.

Xiao Yu has been in this world for a month, but only three days have passed outside.

But this month's time, for Xiao Yu's cultivation, was a swift journey.

Because of the allocation of Aoki clone, I have more time and more focused energy to practice.

In addition, the punches with Jiang Hai and the conversations all gave Xiao Yu immense help.

Xiao Yu on the left opened his eyes first, and when he took a closer look, one of his eyes turned out to be a blue pupil, and the other was a golden pupil.

"Sure enough, it's not the same to practice separately! My Aoki Sacred Art and Zhenlong Stake practice together with one mind and two use, and my two physical bodies are comparable to the level of Huayu Realm!"

Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the blue air current lingered on his body like a whirlwind. His entire skin had undergone amazing changes, and even his appearance became like a jade.

This is the Aoki Eucharist!

"My Aoki Saint Body has just reached the initial stage, but I have caught up with the part of the dragon pile!"

The Greenwood Saint Physique has different levels, and Xiao Yu has now reached the first level-the "primary state".

But what shocked him was that even at the initial stage, the power of the Greenwood Eucharist was almost equal to the dragon power of Zhenlongzhu!

This only took one month of cultivation!

But you know, this month is not easy.

Because Xiao Yu has obtained Jiang Hai's inheritance, he has Jiang Hai's lifelong training experience in it.

In addition, "The Secret Realm of Wood" is in Xiao Yu's grasp.

When Xiao Yu cultivated the Greenwood Sacred Art, he absorbed the power of the Greenwood from the Secret Realm of Wood.

How pure and vast the strength of the green wood is, plus it is the sacred body of the rivers and seas.

Therefore, even if it is the first level, even if it is only a month, it is almost a latecomer.

Of course, the thirty-sixth level of the Zhenlong pile had already been thoroughly studied by Xiao Yu, and now he was also preparing for the second level of cultivation.

It's just that the opening of the second level requires some materials, so I need to go back to the college to recruit Sun Jin.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu on the right also opened his eyes.


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