Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4925: Xiao Yu VS Mu Tianhong (Part 1)

Mu Tianhong knew too well how important the inheritance in the secret realm was.

That is what the ancestors who have gone through countless generations of hard work, and even the expectations of all the ancestors of the family, even want to obtain at the expense of their lives!

Legend has it that the opportunity in the secret realm involves the Dao Yun of stepping through the void.

According to legend, the opportunity inside was left by their ancestor, and all of them are descendants of that ancestor.

There is even more legend that as long as you live this opportunity, you can spy on the World Avenue!

Therefore, how can these kinds of things add up to be unattractive?

Just as their ancestors could fight for their lives, or even risk their lives to enter it, even if the chance is small and small, they want to take a risk.

Now, when Mu Tianhong saw the chance, he was given it by such a kid. How could he not be moved?

Moreover, Mu Tianhong's blow to kill Duan Muting just now was actually just a casual blow.

Because at that time Duanmu Court was already at the end of the battle.

But what Mu Tianhong could clearly feel was that when Xiao Yu blocked his punch just now, he clearly felt an extremely pure aura.

This kind of breath can definitely not be applied casually.

And that kind of aura power that is more pure than his own, is simply Mu Tianhong's life only saw.

That's why he was so enthusiastic about getting Xiao Yu's chance.

Because what he could have predicted was that this kind of power would definitely bring him unmatched power.

He can even foresee that once he gains these powers, he might surpass his ancestors in the future!

Mu Tianhong didn't talk nonsense at all, he hit Xiao Yu with one punch.

Qingguang's punch contained a strong wood attribute power in it.

With his casual punch, even the Yuanpa Realm could hardly stop it!

This is the power of the strong!

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, his body glistened with blue light, and an extremely strong green wood aura swept out.

This one is not his body, but the Aoki clone that contains the Aoki Eucharist and the power of the dragon.

The Aoki Eucharist has reached the stage of its initial stage, that is, the strength of the dragon pile in Yomo Town is comparable.

In other words, the Aoki Eucharist already possesses the power of the Yuyu Realm.

But how can this power be compared with Mu Tianhong in the realm of Tibetan Tao?

But it was seen that Xiao Yu's blue light grew stronger and stronger, and the wood-attribute power was increasing at a terrifying speed.

"His wood power... so rich!!"

The whole audience was stunned.

The people present are all from the Coffin Continent, and naturally have a natural perception of the power of wood attributes.

The wood attribute power on Xiao Yu's body was actually climbing at a crazy speed.

Moreover, it was much purer than the power of the wood they rested on, or even the power of the bloodline.

Of course it is much purer. This is not the power of wood, but the power of the green wood, the power obtained from the cultivation of the Aoki Sacred Art, and it is a higher level of power than the people present!

It would be impossible to fight Mu Tianhong simply by relying on the Aoki Eucharist of the First Stage.

But don't forget, Xiao Yu has a secret realm of wood, the whole secret realm is full of green wood power, he can move it at will!


Xiao Yu's eyes skyrocketed with green light, and the inch of green light made him look like a god-man.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu punched out.


Mu Tianhong's fist style, at the moment when he confronted Xiao Yu, he was actually at a slight disadvantage.

But relying on his decades of cultivation base, he just drew with Xiao Yu.

"how is this possible!?"


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