Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4926: Xiao Yu VS Mu Tianhong (Part 2)

The whole audience couldn't help shaking.

Although it was just a casual punch, Mu Tianhong is the realm of Tibetan Tao!

He was so defeated!

Especially from the Duanmu family, they are relatively familiar with Xiao Yu, but they never thought that Xiao Yu's power was so powerful.

How long does it take to enter the secret realm?

There is a geometric multiplication of power!

"My God! Brother Yu is going to be a blockbuster!" Luo Feng was also dumbfounded.

I have stayed with Xiao Yu the longest, so it can be said that Xiao Yu's realm is improving almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In terms of talent, Luo Feng asked himself not much worse than Xiao Yu.

Although he has a hippy smile on weekdays, he was able to be a close disciple of the peak master of Baiya Peak at the age of sixteen. This potential talent is not something ordinary people can see.

But Luo Feng clearly remembered that before entering the academy, he was already in the three-day state, but what about Xiao Yu?

Although he also broke through to the He Dao realm not long ago, compared with Xiao Yu's speed of cultivation, of course it is weak!

He was embarrassed to say that he was a closed disciple of Bai Yafeng in Cangling Academy!

"Xiao Yu..." Duanmu Shilan's beautiful eyes also lit up slightly.

That kind of posture that can compete with the first strongest in the Coffin Continent!

How shocking this is!

The countless young people in the Duanmu family couldn't help but look up at this foreigner.

As long as they can admire the power, then it is worth looking up.

Moreover, the power of wood on Xiao Yu's body was so pure that they seemed to see their ancestors.

An ancient, pure, vast power, it's terrifying!

After Xiao Yu used the green wood power of the Secret Realm of Wood, his breath surged like a volcano.

At this time, although he only possesses the power of the Primordial Soul Realm, with the horror of the Greenwood Eucharist, he also has enough power to contend with the realm of Tibetan Dao.

"This is this power!" Xiao Yu exclaimed inwardly.

Although this power is not his, the feeling of being surrounded by power, the gesture that can easily provoke a power of thousands of meters in a radius, is enough to make him feel shocked.

Mu Tianhong's heart was rolling like a sea wave. How could he imagine that Xiao Yu was so amazingly strong.

This is just a casual punch!

Although he also has the intention of temptation, this is too scary!

It seemed that Mu Tianhong didn't believe the same at all.

But because of this, his eyes flashed with an astonishing greed.

Because of this, he wants to get the chance from Xiao Yu even more!

"Boy, you are really extraordinary! I think so many ancestors of my clan died in it, but I didn't expect to give you this opportunity for a foreigner." Mu Tianhong's eyes narrowed, and the cold light flashed.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "If you are willing to hand over what originally belonged to Shenmu Valley, and promise to merge into the Duanmu family, I can let you go."

When the Mu family listened, their expressions changed.

Most of the Duanmu family was confused. They only knew that Xiao Yu was on their side, and they didn't know the yin and yang.

After all, if they were told that death would be accelerated without the Yang veins, I am afraid that not so many people can accept it.

Therefore, for a long time, only a small number of people knew.

Mu Tianhong laughed loudly: "What an arrogant tone! Then you see if you have the skills to get it!"

After all, Mu Tianhong flipped his hand, and Qingmu Jian started with it.

As soon as he started with this sword, within a radius of several hundred meters was filled with this amazing sword aura, his figure slowly rose into the air, and his whole person glowed with an astonishing spirit.

With the strength of the green wood, Xiao Yu also swept into the air, like a god-man.

"Come to die!" Mu Tianhong shouted angrily, slashing with a sword.


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