Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4945: Battle for the pinnacle

As soon as Kou Zhan's voice fell, the power in his whole body began to gather crazily.

Although he is the Soul Passing from Ten Thousand Miles, it is only a spirit consciousness in the world of the Coffin Continent, and he is also limited by the laws here, but in his opinion, he is the mighty Venerable in the Nine Heavens World, majestic and powerful. Those who suppress a first-class power will bow their heads.

How could he be afraid of the remnants of consciousness close to the divine realm?

The heaven and earth spiritual power around him began to condense crazily, how powerful Kou Zhan was. With a single thought, he condensed the heaven and earth spiritual power, and his body seemed to be materialized, and a mighty middle-aged man appeared.

He volleyed down from the sky and slapped Xiao Yu with a palm.

The power of Kou Zhan's palm has mobilized the spiritual power of heaven and earth in a radius of thousands of meters. That power, like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, is a mountain that can be photographed into powder with a palm.

Feeling this monstrous might, Xiao Yu laughed wildly, the arrogance that was like a cloud-like posture enveloped the entire sky.

"Boy, you can see clearly, take a good look, what is the real Eucharist!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yu only felt that some power in his body was surging like a volcanic eruption.

That kind of monstrous power began to fill his limbs and corpses, as if it could arouse the power of heaven and earth at every turn.

Of course, this kind of posture that arouses the power of heaven and earth between one thought is completely different from the state of triggering heaven and earth spiritual power from the beginning of the three-day realm.

Just because Jiang Hai is a saint, a saint in the flesh, and even a **** handed down in the nine-day world!

Xiao Yu Ning's finger penetrated into a sword, and the green light drew across, facing the storm, turning into a hundred meters, directly cutting Kou Zhan's punch in half.

After the fist style condensed by the spiritual power of heaven and earth, after being cut, it turned into countless energy and began to sweep towards the surroundings.

What a horror of madness, like the roar of an angry dragon, on the spot, it shocked the space of several thousand meters into space cracks like spider webs.

With a single blow, it caused a space crack!

What a terrifying cultivation power this is!

Especially Mu Tianhong and Duan Muting, the strongest players present, were all shocked.

They have worked hard for decades, and they have such power with their talent and family heritage.

But they need a full blow to provoke such an offensive!

"Hahaha!" Xiao Yu laughed loudly, the state of lifting heavy weights seemed to be easy to do.

"Huh! Come again!"

Kou Zhan sneered, and another punch came over. At a distance of hundreds of meters, his punch was like an infinite divine punch from the void, and he passed through the void on the spot. In less than a moment, he reached Xiao Yu's. before.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu's ontological consciousness was completely stunned.

What did he feel just now?

That is the power of the law of space!

A punch almost passed through the space, what kind of cultivation level is necessary to achieve this!


However, Xiao Yu's body under Jiang Hai's control was calm and brisk. He spit out, and another sword aura killed him. In the same way, Kou Zhan's fist style only persisted for one breathing time, and then disappeared .

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and said faintly, "Young man, depending on the level of your strength, you should have a 300-year cultivation base. It is indeed very good for you to step into the venerable for years."

Kou Zhan's eyes were uncertain and did not answer.

His talent is amazing, it is well known, but how can he think that this stubborn knowledge can be seen through at a glance.

"You are not bad, you can break my fist style."

"Not only can I break your boxing style, I can also kill you!!"

Xiao Yu laughed and slashed over with a sword.


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