Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4946: Immeasurable golden body!

After all, Jiang Hai is a strong man in the flesh, and his arrogance can only be worse than Kou Zhan.

Moreover, he is now facing the power of the world with the realm consciousness of a "divine", so the posture of waiting and looking is so terrifying.

This active blow naturally showed Jiang Hai's attitude of arrogantly respecting the world.

This sword cut out, naturally the strongest glass sword.

The translucent colored glaze sword rose by a hundred meters in length in response to the storm, and the earth could almost be split into two halves.

This is the real glazed sword!

All the Duanmu family and Mu family present were with a look of reverence.

When Kou Zhan saw this sword, his expression finally changed.

He took pictures with both palms, and a wave of waves crazily condensed, covering hundreds of meters, turning into a defense like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

However, the wind and waves' moves were suddenly chopped in half.

"You are Jian Xiu." Kou Zhan's eyes were solemn.

Jian Xiu is the strongest existence in the weapon line of the Nine Heavens World.

This man's swordsmanship is simple and majestic, and he can slash the world with his hand. In his opinion, this kind of terrifying sword intent is enough to contend with the old monsters of the West, or the first-class descendants of the sword master.

"Sword repair?"

Xiao Yu chuckled and said, "Swordsmanship is nothing more than an accessory move of my Eucharist. It's just that your realm is too low, so I just waved it casually. You are not my opponent."

Kou Zhan's face sank, and he sneered: "What a eucharistic accessory move. I have heard that the eucharist is a higher level of existence than the innate spirit body, and it can even be comparable to the magical golden body to some extent, but it is a pity , You are not a golden body."

"The golden body of Dharma!"

All the people present were distracted by the words.

The golden body is a state of the strongest body after some cultivation has reached its extreme.

This is because what is presented is a kind of "dhamma", which is the ultimate aggregation of Taoism, and also another way to the gods, and it is also recognized as the fastest way.

"Unfortunately, there are only twenty-four golden bodies in the Nine Heavens World. Although you are a cultivator of wood attribute power, the spiritual power of the wood element cannot condense the golden bodies of the magic phase."

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Although I am not a golden body, my sacred body, even an ordinary golden body, cannot be compared."

"Arrogant!" Mu Tianhong's eyes drenched.

The golden body is already the fastest path to the gods in the world, and countless people have been seeking these 24 cultivation paths for their entire lives.

Because there are countless cultivation paths in the world, and it is possible to cultivate to the back, and there are too few spiritual things.

"It's not as good as you look at my strength."

Kou Zhan sneered, and his power began to gather crazily. Then, he was full of spirits. After a while, the spirits began to gather into a silhouette like a god.

As soon as this figure appeared, the whole world seemed to be suppressed by the mighty sky like a huge wave.

"Oh? One of the twenty-four methods of the golden body, the golden body cultivated by the Immeasurable God Technique?" Xiao Yu was surprised.

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience couldn't help but change their color, and even was shocked that Qi Ali trembled all over.

"Dhamma golden body, this is Dhamma golden body!?"

That's just the existence of legends, only in the world of first-class powerhouses!

But they actually saw it today!


Kou Zhan laughed and said, "Are you afraid now?"

Xiao Yu smiled faintly and said, "Semi-dharma state? You haven't really understood it yet, but you are also qualified to fight with me."

Kou Zhan's face sank suddenly, and he said solemnly: "In the half-dharma state, I can still shatter your soul!"


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