Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4947: Half Dharma, Dragon Elephant Seal!

Xiao Yu let out a big laugh, and then directly rushed towards Kou Zhan, his punch condensed, and then he slammed out.

The fist-style is overwhelming, as if an angry dragon is going to sea, a black crack appeared in the space instantly.

Kou Zhan sneered and said: "Wuliangshenwang, Ning!"

He immediately condensed, and a strange scene appeared. With Xiao Yu as the center, countless translucent thin lines began to condense in a radius of one thousand meters.

These thin lines condensed into a light net, which enveloped Xiao Yu.


Qingmang fisted into the optical net, shocking an astonishing ripple.

"Oh?" Xiao Yu frowned with interest.

He could only see himself within a kilometer range, as if he was enveloped by a huge spider web, surrounded by translucent winks.

"Is the Boundless Web?" Xiao Yu carried his hands on his back and said indifferently, "Back then, the Boundless Ancestor used the infinite power of the'Three Heavens Hunyuan' to power the Nine Heavens World. You are far behind the others."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu took a step, and his step, traversing a kilometer, directly stepped out of the Boundless God Net.

Seeing this scene, Kou Zhan's eyes seemed to fall, and the whole person was shaking.

"how is this possible……"

The Immeasurable Net was immediately received by Kou Zhan.

People in the distance were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Kou Zhan’s Immeasurable Net just now seems very ordinary, but it is stronger than Mu Tianhong and Duanmu Ting. Once trapped by this immeasurable net, then it is equivalent to catching turtles in the urn, only the ones who are killed. For serving.

In fact, the power of the Dhamma Golden Body in the Coffin Continent is simply not enough to fully manifest.

Today's Kou Zhan, the power displayed is only an existence that is stronger than the realm of Tibetan Dao.

And Jiang Hai?

He urged the entire Coffin Continent with his thoughts, frequently displayed the monstrous wood system spiritual power, and with his own disability, how could he be trapped by such small constraints as the heaven and earth avenues and the spiritual creatures in space?

Kou Zhan's expression became more solemn.

This person named Jiang Hai is too terrifying, his half-dharma state is actually unable to restrain him.

"Very well, you made me admire again. In that case, I will let you see the true power of my immeasurable golden body!"

Kou Zhan shouted angrily, his fighting spirit was like a raging wave, and the power of a terrifying form was like a vast ocean, covering this area of ​​a hundred miles.

The whole world has become a world of nothingness and tranquility, and everyone feels that they can be controlled and killed at will.

Kou Zhan's figure turned into an afterimage, and then he hit the ground with a punch.


A beam of light within a kilometer of a radius suddenly rose into the sky, covering Xiao Yu in it.

"Om Om Weng!"

Within this kilometer range, suddenly there was a monstrous force falling from the sky that crushed the next two.

Xiao Yu looked up and found that a giant palm suddenly landed in the sky.

The huge palm covers a huge range of hundreds of meters, as if the top of Mount Tai.

"Immeasurable Dragon Elephant Seal!" Kou Zhan roared wildly, and his fighting spirit was brought to its peak.

Boundless power, shake the world!

The former immeasurable ancestor, once in a battle, under the full-scale actual combat, one seal can crush a kind of spirit realm powerhouse.

He was also there at the time, and once witnessed that half of the higher plane continent was turned into pieces.

If it hadn't been for another great power to take action to stabilize that continent with supreme power, I'm afraid that continent would have been completely shattered long ago, and at the same time it would involve the 72 Great Heavens.

"Hahaha! Good coming!"

"Boy, I will teach you a trick while I am still in my mind!"

"Green Ling·Shen Wing!!"


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