Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4957: Hard to resist the spirit state

Ze Can laughed angrily, and the fighting spirit was like a raging wave, stirring this real space.

As Ze Can said, the Shura blood realm is indeed the pseudo-authentic realm displayed by Xiao Yu from the power of blood memory after awakening the blood memory.

And in the realm of false truth, Xiao Yu is the master!

But there is one thing, that is, Zecan is the Soul Realm, the so-called Soul Realm means something called "Shen Soul" condensed in the body.

The soul is somewhat similar to the soul, but the soul is just the master of consciousness, but the soul is different.

The soul is a symbol of the physical body reaching a certain state and comprehending the great road of heaven and earth.

There is spirit, and the power of urging the laws of space at every turn, the physical body is already the strongest existence in the world, even if it is going through the turbulence of space, it can do it.

Of course, a strong person in the state of the spirit realm, as long as the spirit is immortal, the body will never die!

Therefore, this is Zecan's capital.

Crazy power began to oscillate from Zecan's fists, and he instantly punched seven punches, each of which contained an offensive force like a mountain and a sea.

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth-shaking power immediately covered hundreds of meters, shrouding Xiao Yu in it, and it seemed that even the heaven and the earth could explode.

In the real realm, the outer space is no longer affected. To a certain extent, the real realm is to protect the space plane.

But when Ze Can punched these seven punches, Xiao Yu had already fully felt the tremendous oppression that Zecan's monstrous boxing style had given to his true realm.

His chest was suddenly suffocated, and another tremendous pressure spread over him.

The real domain is not invincible, it is just a magical technique used to restrict opponents.

Especially, the real realm that Xiao Yu didn't really master the power of space law to a certain extent is different from the real real realm.

This is the power of Shura that Xiao Yu mobilized from the memory of the bloodline, strictly speaking, he urged it out under extreme conditions.

Therefore, Xiao Yu suddenly felt powerless.

However, it was precisely this feeling that made Xiao Yu's fighting spirit even more boiling.

The Shura tribe was born a fighting race. The first family in the Nine Heavens World was born for war, and it is famous for the entire Nine Heavens World.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed sharply, and his voice came out like Hong Zhongda Lu.

"Let me see how powerful you are!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The Shura Fist was also beaten out by Xiao Yu like the vast galloping ocean, and every punch contained endless power.

At this moment, Xiao Yu was carrying the entire family, blood, and the expectations deep in his memory. That power, not only was not consumed, but made Xiao Yu's offensive even more crazy.

His fighting spirit was like an abyss, and he became even more crazy at this moment.

"Boom boom!"

Storms swept out one after another, and the two immediately confronted the seven offensives, and Xiao Yu became more and more courageous, and his body continued to burst out.

Ze Can hasn't encountered such a powerful physical existence for a long time, and his fighting spirit has also risen.

The entire **** world of several kilometers began to vibrate violently, as if the sea was boiling.

During this period, light flickered continuously, and the deafening sound was simply terrifying and shocked people's minds.

After a dozen rounds, the two were separated, Ze Can was not hurt at all, but Xiao Yu was also excited.

With Xiao Yu's realm strength, his limit of strength is the domain of the Tibetan Dao, even a bit stronger than the domain of the Tibetan Dao.

And Ze Can, there is a spirit, and it is so terrifying that it can mobilize Baili's power at every turn. It is not easy for Xiao Yu to break through his defenses.

Ze Can looked disdainfully and sneered: "Boy, if you only have this ability, you can't kill me, because you have been fighting for a hundred years. Unless the world is exhausted, my strength will be exhausted, and you How long can you hold on? One stick of incense? Two sticks of incense? This is the gap between you and me."

"Really? What if this is the case?"

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and suddenly, beside him, two figures began to appear.


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